Myriad Playout v5 Version History (up to and including v5.19)

Modified on Tue, 24 Sep at 12:44 PM


This article contains the version history of Myriad Playout up to and including v5.19, released in September 2019. 

For 5.21 onwards, please see the latest version information from within Myriad Playout v5 itself or from the download page 

Version History:

v5.19 10th September 2019

New Features/Changes:


Myriad has an all new Notification system that can be used to automatically send a notification to one or more users when an extraordinary event occurs - for example if Myriad has run out of log and has to emergency schedule an hour, or if it's recovered from an autorestart due to a power failure etc, even if your License is due to expire within the next few days and cannot be autorenewed.

There are 2 parts to Notifications - "Notification Channels" and "Notification Events". A Notification Channel is the method used to deliver a Notification Event, and you add "Subscribers" to Events.

Currently you can send Notifications via 3 different Channels: Via email to an email recipient, as a Twitter DM, and finally as a notification.

To setup Notifications:
  • You need to enable and configure 1 or more Channels on the new "Notifications" tab in Database Settings. For example for email notifications you will need to enable the Email channel and provide the details for your email server. For Twitter you will need to authorise Myriad to use your Twitter username to send DM's on your behalf.
  • Per Station, you then setup Subscriptions to Events (such as Emergency Schedule). You can mix and match recipients, so you might send an Emergency autorestart alert to several email recipients, as a Twitter DM and as Pushover alerts, but a notification that a user has manually scheduled an hour might only get sent to a single email recipient.
  • An example of a mix of subscribers that would send to an email address, a Twitter DM and a Pushover notification is :
    •, @exampleEngineers, pushover:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP123

As well as Per-Station notifications, there are also 10 Custom Notifications (setup in Database Settings directly) that can be triggered from Commands, which means that in turn they can be triggered from the Mediawall, Favourites, Library, or from the Log, or via Hardware lines or even by TCP/UDP messages.

Finally, you can also add a Hardware line to watch a Notification event so that you get a pulse on that hardware line whenever that event is triggered. These work even if you don't have any Channels or Subscribers setup, and you configure them in the Hardware Manager.

Myriad Schedule:

  • You can now set a Clock Item to be Locked so that it is prevented from accidental editing by users after it's scheduled.
  • You can now pre-set a Song, Link or Basic Media Item to not be allowed to be dropped/faded by AutoFade - useful to make sure show Features aren't accidentally dropped for timing purposes.
  • The way Myriad Schedule handles items that tend to rotate very regularly - i.e. songs by "one hit wonders" that don't ever have Artist clashes - has been altered to introduce a very slight adjustment so that they will very gently move around in "most rested" order to prevent them always coming up in the same order.

MediaWall Export/Publish to Mixcloud:

  • The default bitrates for exporting Media Items from the MediaWall has changed to 320kbits for mp2 and mp3 and 256kbits for Ogg.
  • Myriad now converts audio to 320kbps mp3 when uploading to Mixcloud.

MediaWall/Library View:

  • You can now quickly bring up the Information Display by pressing the new keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K.


  • Myriad now remembers the last selected Favourites Set when you logout and will display that Favourite Set when you log back in. If you are connected to Myriad Network, then Myriad will only display the selected set of Split Groups if you are already connected to Myriad Network before you Login.
  • When a user logs into Myriad Playout for the first time, Myriad checks for a legacy Myriad v3/v4 InstantCart set file in their user folder (\Users\) and if found this is then imported as new v5 Favourite Sets.

Log Display:

  • Log Items now have a smoother, cleaner appearance.
  • Command Items now show the Item Title from the Media Item.
  • You can now quickly bring up the Information Display by pressing the new keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K.
  • You can now enter up to 10000 characters into Log script items.


  • You can now use the SegueEditor to record voice links over the beginning of split items.
  • You can now adjust the position of an Absolute Time after a Media Item - i.e. when the item should be faded out to hit a time marker.


  • When a sweeper or Voice link item is now due to play over another item, these are now shown much more clearly, and different icons are used to show whether it's a sweeper (+ symbol) or voice link (microphone icon).
  • If images are enabled then the Dashboard now shows the Station Logo on the left hand side if the currently playing item doesn't have an image file.
  • The Image display now shows a small thumbnail in the bottom right hand corner showing the item type of the currently playing item.

Media Players View:

  • You can now right click on a Media Player (or Mini Media Player) and you will see a new menu option that allows you to "Jump to this Media Item on the MediaWall"

Quick Recorder View:

  • The AutoTop and AutoTail feature was too sensitive so would often not actually trim any content. The thresholds have been altered to make it less sensitive so it gives better trimming results.

Myriad Network Connections:

  • When Myriad Playout is connected to Myriad Network, it now shows a green box at the top of the window (next to the On-Air button) showing the number of Splits that are connected.

Mixer/Hardware Connections:

  • D&R Airence: There is a new Mixer option of "D&R Airence" that will connect Myriad to a Airence connected via USB.
  • Due to the nature of the Airence interface, this is quite limited and cannot really be expanded, but it does allow:
    • Simple player fader start/stop/preview control
    • The 2 vertical rows of buttons are mapped to the first 16 favourites
    • The bottom right button is Log Go, the one above that is Toggle Chain Type of the currently playing Log Item.
    • The bottom left button is Dump current item.
    • The left most button on the top triple button row is Toggle Popup Segue Editor and the right most button is Segue Step.


  • There are 3 new Copyright Export formats available in the Copyright Reports window - UK PPL Copyright report, IMRO Commercial and IMRO Music.
  • All copyrights have been updated to use the Media Copyright Title and Performer information if required by that copyright reporting body.
  • If a Media item doesn't have a Copyright Title or Performer set, the Copyright report now uses the Media "Item Title" and "Artists" information instead.
  • The Scheduled Log Hour Information report is now a much more useful grid based display that shows you all the hours of each day across the week and you can immediately see the schedule/advert log merge status for every hour at a glance.


  • The Users List now shows the Category and Security group that a Contact/User is in, and you can also now easily filter the list to see only Users (i.e. Contacts that can "Login" to Myriad).
  • You can now sort the Users list by clicking each column header.
  • There is a new Myriad Permission that can be set on a Security Group or on a specific User's account that controls whether they can access Myriad remotely via RVT or via Myriad Anywhere.
  • There is a new Log permission that controls if a user can lock or unlock Log items. This permissision is allowed by default.
  • There is a new Reports permission that controlsif a user can run Play log and Copyright Reports. This permissision is allowed by default. When a user runs a Play Log this is now logged in the User History.
  • There is a new "User Reports" sub menu on the Reports menu that contains the User History report as well as new User Summary Report. This shows a list of all Users and whether they can login locally or remotely (via Remote Voice Tracking or Myriad Anywhere) and any security concerns i.e. not having a password set etc.


  • The Dual Screen layout now includes a Clock next to the Dashboard. You can easily install this new layout over the top of your existing layout by selecting it from the Install Layout menu.


  • There are 2 new Media Commands : Media.IsItemInUse and Media.IsItemEmpty - these are useful in IF statements to determine what command path to use based on if an item exists already.
  • The tree based list of commands in the Media Editor now shows the "IF" and "REM" commands making it easier to insert those into the Command sequence.

Initial Setup:

  • For new installations Myriad now suggests using a local path of \Myriad\Data on your largest drive - e.g. d:\Myriad\Data

Command Line Utility:

  • The Command Line utility has a new action - /ExportAdvertRecAsXml which reads back in a day's existing advert REC file and exports it back out as an xml file next to the original rec file.
    • /Action=ExportAdvertRecAsXml /Profile=Profile1 /StationId=0 /Start=NowDay-1T00:00:00 /End=NowDay-1T23:59:59
  • The Command Line Utility has a new action /DeleteExpiredMedia which will automatically delete any Media Items that have a "Delete After" date set and that date has passed. This will use the Myriad MediaWall Recycle bin if you have it enabled. You must specify a Start and an End Media ID to check for expired Media items.
    • /Action=DeleteExpiredMedia /Profile=Profile1 /StartMediaId=1 /EndMediaId=1000

The following issues have been fixed:

  • MP3 based Mediawalls: Normalising an item on the MediaWall (including Voice link's being normalised after being recorded) could result in the audio for that item being lost.
  • Multitrack Export of Scheduled Log Hour: Exporting an hour that contained voice links with manually adjusted volume points would occasionally lead to a long fade out being incorrectly applied across the entire duration of the previous item.
  • Myriad Schedule: Myriad Schedule could inadvertently schedule the occasional item from the Held categories, particularly for Clocks that were upgraded from InstantTrack Presets.
  • Myriad Schedule: Editing a Song Link or Advert item in an Advanced clock for any station other than the first station (ID:0) would not show the Categories in the drop down category lists.
  • Myriad Schedule: A Clock that contained an inner "child" clock would schedule correctly, but if that "child" contained a "grandchild", then the contents of the "grandchild" clock would not be correctly included in the scheduled hour.
  • Myriad Schedule: Dragging items to a new position in an Advanced Clock would sometimes insert the item above or below the intended location.
  • Myriad Schedule: Editing the Clock Assigments for non-station ID:0 stations would not save if you had not already assigned at least one clock to Station 0's Assignment grid.
  • Media Editing: Opening a Media item where the audio file had been deleted from the file system (but not from Myriad) would result in an invalid audio file being created.
  • Media Editing: Opening an existing Media Item that is set to be "Allowed to Schedule" would not show that status correctly, instead it would wrongly show the setting for new items based on the "Allow new items to be scheduled" setting in Database Settings.
  • Media Import: You could not import an audio file into the last Media Item on your MediaWall.
  • Media Import: If you imported a previously exported item (or was re-importing from the Recycled folder) that was set to "News Media" it was wrongly being imported resulting in the Item Type dropdown in the Media Editor not being set. This would also cause problems with RVT then attempting to startup and display those items.
  • SmartInfo: Higlighting an item on the Log would not show the year for the item.
  • Log Playback: When Autofilling underrunning hours Myriad would occasionally use the time of the "next" hour when checking a Media Item's Hour Restrictions.
  • Log Playback: If you recorded a voice link out the back of the last song in an hour, but Myriad needed to "autofill" a song in due to underrunning, then the song would be wrongly inserted inbetween the song and the voice link that was following it. The inserted song will now be inserted before that song instead so it leaves the segue intact.
  • Log Playback: An intro duck would sometimes be ignored if the intro duck had been edited in certain ways - for example by altering the main start volume rather than the intro duck "down"
  • Log Editing: Dragging a new item into the log or into the Segue Editor, particularly a sweeper, could result in Myriad showing an error message that it could not display the Scheduled Item History due to an unrepresentable date format.
  • Log Editing: Replacing a Log Item would not clear any Volume points that had been added and the Segue Editor would not update to show the replacement item until you refreshed the view.
  • Log Editing: Myriad Playout would exit if you tried to insert a Split item into the Log on Admin only licenses.
  • Segue Editor: Pressing space bar on a Segue that already contained a Voice link would wrongly start a new voice link recording.
  • Media Report: When using the import from AutoTrack v4 option, Song "Artists", "Display As/By" and "Album" information would only be imported if you had also selected to import Titles.
  • Media Report: When using the import from AutoTrack v4 option, Link "Other Information" was never being imported into the Media "Item Description" field.
  • Player Commands: Passing an invalid PlayerIndex to some Player commands (i.e. SetVolume/Previewmode) would cause Log Playback to stall if those commands were called from the Log.
  • Station Settings: Setting the default Song Title, Artist or Link Separation for any Station other than the first station (ID:0) would wrongly save the new setting over the top of Station ID:0's settings.
  • Myriad OCP Connection: If the connection to Myriad OCP failed at a very specific moment during Myriad Playout sending Now Playing information to OCP then Playout would wait until the OCP connection had fully timed out before continuing playing the Log. This information is now sent asynchronously to prevent such issues causing Playout any delays.
  • Myriad Playout Remote: Selecting a different set via Playout Remote and then playing a Favourite from it would play the favourite that is shown on screen in Playout, not the one from Playout Remote. This fix requires Playout Remote to be updated as well.
  • Drag/Drop: Fixed various issues with Dragdrop sometimes causing Myriad to close unexpectedly.
Other internal changes:
  • GS-DD: Updated to v2.0.4

v5.18 (Release 2) 15th July 2019

New Features/Changes:

AutoTrack Data Import:

  • There is a new "Import" feature on the Media report window that allows you to bulk import Media Item information from Song and Link cards in an AutoTrack SE or v4 database. You just highlight the items in the report that you want to retrieve information for and then you can choose which fields to import - e.g. you might only want Title and Artist, but you might also want all Copyright etc.

Dashboard display:

  • The Timing bar (including Gap time etc.) now uses a stronger font to show the information more clearly.

Log View:

  • You can now Preview Auto-Hooks.

SmartInfo and MediaItem Information display:

  • The header font and images now automatically reduce to a smaller size when the display available is quite narrow - this allows more Title and Artist information to be displayed.

Clock display:

  • The Auto-Play feature has a clearer display that shows more of the Item Title.

Publish to MixCloud:

  • The MixCloud publisher will no longer warn you if a file is smaller than the usual minimum requirements for MixCloud. This is because MixCloud will sometimes allow these by special arrangements. Myriad will now public shorter files, but of course MixCloud may still reject them later.

K600 Keyboard improvements:

  • There is a new option in Playout Settings "Show empty Favourites with a Red button" will illuminate unused Favourites button in Red to show them more clearly as different from the blue buttons that indicate a Favourite is assigned.


  • Log Playback Status: Myriad Playout can now activate hardware lines to show when the Log is in Live Assist mode or in AutoFade mode.
  • The older Log Playback ControlStatus hardware lines have been removed - you should use the "Log Playback Control" and "Log Playback Status" lines instead.

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Media Import: Importing an mp3 file could sometimes cause Myriad Playout to close.
  • Media Library: Doing a basic search after doing an Advanced search for a specific Category would not return the correct results.
  • Media Players: You could still pause a player buy clicking in the central area when the Player Controls were set to be always visible.
  • Login Window: Pressing the 'enter' key after entering a password was not triggering the login validation process.
  • Log Playback: An Absolute Time running immediately after another item that has no duration - i.e. an Hour Start - could sometimes finish almost immediately after it started instead of waiting for the correct time.
  • Dashboard: You were able to change the chain-type on an Hour Start marker (via the dashboard) which could lead to unexpected results.
  • Scheduled Reports: The Log Discrepancy report was showing the wrong Category names for items.
Other internal changes:
  • SMX: Updated to 5.6

v5.18 18th June 2019

New Features Summary:

  • Brand new "Myriad Schedule" - built in powerful Music and Link Scheduling.
  • Brand new Copyright Reports.
  • Child Stations can now have their own dedicated Station Settings.
  • Automatic cleanup of Recycled Media Items.
  • A 'Now Playing' Billboard File can now be automatically written every time the Log starts a new item or is changed.

See below for more details about these new features.

New Features/Changes:

All new 'Myriad Schedule':

Myriad Schedule is built into Myriad Playout, and is a direct replacement for the previous InstantTrack feature. It can be found on the Station Menu when you have a station open.

This significantly more powerful scheduler adds many powerful features such as as a full Clock Editor, configurable Rules, and a host of other features and improvements.

Myriad Schedule Clocks:

Clocks come in 2 flavours:

  • "Simple" Clocks which are very similar to the older InstantTrack Presets and allow you to easily choose music based on simple Category sliders and a timing Goal - e.g. Choose me 60 minutes of music using a 60/40 mix or Pop/Rock, and play a Link every second Song, whilst starting the hour with a News sequence and an AutoHook.
  • "Advanced" Clocks are a much more powerful way of scheduling an hour as you take direct control of the order of the items in the hour. This then means you can add in placeholders for Advert Breaks, Absolute Time markers etc.

Advanced clocks allow you to add every type of available Log Item, from standard items such as Song/Links and AutoHooks and Absolute Times all the way up to Hardware items and even Split Break and Split Group events for stations using Myriad Network. You can even add another "Clock" into a clock - for example you might define a "News Sequence" Clock that contains the 4 items needed for your news sequence, then use that Clock at the start of all your regular Clocks, so you only need to define that Sequence once.

Creating an Advanced Clock is very easy as you can start with a Simple Clock and click the "Advanced" button and Myriad will automatically create a template for the hour based on the current settings. This means it's very easy to then tweak and alter that template to get the sound you want.

Myriad Schedule Clock Assignments:

There is a new much easier to use Clock Assignment window that lets you choose with Clocks should be used in which hours, and you can easily create a copy of a clock so you can create a standard one used for most hours, then use a copy of it for hours that require a different layout/category rules etc.

The Clock Assignment window also has a 'Import' section that allows you to easily import Clocks, Clock Assignments, the Default Global Rules set and also the Category Names from a Myriad AutoTrack v4 Station Database.

Important: If you are upgrading from v5.12 or earlier you will need to set the correct Clock to use for each hour in the Clock Assignment Window.

Myriad Schedule Rules:

Myriad Schedule has a multi layer Rule system allowing you to different rules for different scenarios. For fast and simple scheduling, many stations will likely just set the "Station Settings Default" rules and use these for every hour that is scheduled, but if you run some specialist shows you may need to alter those rules on a more granular level.

  • In Station Settings you set a "Default" set of rules to control Song Title, Song Artist and Link Separation - for example Song Title Separation: 2 Hours, Song Artist Separation: 1 Hour, Link Separation:30 mins.
  • In Database "Categories and Attributes", you can override the Station Default rules per Category so that that specific Category uses a different set of rules - for example, your Dance Category might need to prevent songs by the same Artist coming round too often, so it might be set to Song Title Separation: 2 Hours, Song Artist Separation: 4 Hours, Link Separation:30 mins .
  • In each Clock, you can then overide the above actions per-category just for that Clock - for example your "Rock" clock might be set to check for Song Titles across more hours to make sure covers aren't being played nearby - Song Title Separation: 5 Hours, Song Artist Separation: 1 Hour, Link Separation:30 mins
  • Songs and Links are always scheduled in "most rested" order, so you will always get the best rotation available for each song in each category.
Myriad Schedule based AutoFill:

If an hour is in AutoFade mode and is underrunning, the Clock for that hour is used to choose suitable songs to top up that hour using the Category Weightings - this is regardless of whether it's a Simple or Advanced Clock.

The new Myriad Schedule engine is used to choose these items so all of the above Rules are checked, which is a significant improvement over InstantTrack which only used basic rotation and Artist Separation. It also uses the rules layers as above, so looks for Clock Rules then Category Default Rules, then finally Station Default Rules depending on which have been set.

Important: When AutoFill is considering songs, these rules are all treated as "breakable" so that it will do it's best to find the optimum song based on those rules, but will always find a song based on most rested. 

Myriad Schedule Reports:

  • There is a new Scheduled Log Hour Information report that shows the status of each Hour in the log including the Title, when it was added, and if the Main and Advert Logs have been added for that hour.
  • There is a new Scheduled Log Discrepancy report which shows you every item in the Scheduled Log and any information about if it's not been played, whether it's been dropped/moved/replaced etc. You can also easily group items so you can see Songs separately from Links etc.
Myriad Schedule Permissions:
  • The Myriad Scheduling Permissions have a new dedicated section in thge Edit permissions window, and there is a new "Can set Media Item's Scheduling options (e.g. Restrictions etc)." to control whether a user can alter the contents of the Scheduling tab in the Media Editor.
Myriad Schedule Database/Station Settings:
  • Database Setting: There is a new Media settings option "Set all new items to be 'Allowed' to be scheduled by Myriad Schedule by default" which allows you to control if new items added to the MediaWall are automatically allowed to be scheduled Myriad Schedule. By default this option is on, but if you allow users to add Songs to the MediaWall without editorial review then we recommend turning it off to prevent those songs being automatically scheduled. You can then use the new Library Search options (below) to review these freshly added items.
  • Station Setting: There is a new set of options on the Scheduling tab that allows you to control how far ahead the On-Air Computer will use Myriad Schedule to automatically schedule. By default it is set to "If the log runs out" which means Myriad will only schedule if it's approaching the end of the current hour and the next hour is missing. Alternative options are "For the next hour" or for the next full day or next 7 full days. If Myriad is set to anything other than "If the log runs out" then you will see a small yellow informational messsage appear at the top of the window just before Myriad automatically schedules (if required). This process runs in the background, so does not affect Myriads performance.
  • Child Station Settings: Stations that are connected to a Parent station (aka 'Child Stations') can now be set to have their own dedicated settings instead of having to use their Parent's settings. This only affects the Station Settings, all other connections such as sharing Scheduling items and automatically copying hours from Parent stations are unaffected.


  • Importing: Myriad now checks for a CSV file with the same file name as the audio file from the I Like Music download service and automatically imports all available information such as Titling and Copyright details.
  • Importing: Myriad now carries out a special pre-import scan when importing mp3 files to enable it to import mp3 files that would previously have been rejected or imported with poor results.
  • Importing: The RadioHost mp3 and WAV file import handler has been further improved meaning Myriad can now succesfully import from a wider variety of Radio Host files.
  • Publish to Mixcloud: The Publish to Mixcloud window has been updated to better reflect the options available to Mixcloud Pro account users.
  • Automatic Recycle cleanup: There is a new Database Setting "Automatically remove deleted items from the 'Recycled' folder" which controls automatically removing previously deleted Media Items from the Mediawall Recycle folder. You can change how long items should be kept or even turn this feature off entirely. By default items will be removed from the Recycle folder 30 days after they were deleted.

Media Library View and Media Reports:

  • By default, the Media Library search results will now exclude items that are restricted based on the date or Hour (using the Scheduling Hour Restrictions). You can turn off this filter via the View tab.
  • Advanced searching: There is a new content/timing tab that contains the options relating to duration and audio format.
  • Advanced searching: There is a new "missing media" option which allows you to easily find items where the media file (e.g. the WAV file etc.) is missing.
  • Advanced searching: There is a new Scheduling Tab that allows you to filter the results by only those that can be/can't be scheduled by Myriad Schedule.
  • Advanced searching: You can now limit the Search Results to only contain items that are set to "Play as a Sweeper".

Media Mass Changer:

  • There is a new Scheduling Tab that allows you to to set that Media Items can/can't be scheduled by Myriad Schedule and also what Hour Restrictions preset to apply.

AutoHooks/Scripts/Social Media Items:

  • AutoHooks can now contain Media Lists as the Start/Separator/End or Alternate items. Please note that Rotating Items will not rotate when used inside AutoHooks, so you should only use Random or List items.
  • The AutoHook editor window now has browse buttons next to the Media ID's making it much easier to choose the correct items.
  • The AutoHook, Script and Social Media editor windows now have the same look and feel as other Log item editing windows.
  • The Social Media editor window now has a drop down that allows you to easily insert some of the more commonly used OCP tags. For a full list of OCP Tags please use the "Show Format Creator" menu option in Myriad OCP SE.

Log Playback:

  • The way that the Log handles updating the start times of items (and calculating autofade) has changed to make Segue's much more responsive. The calculation is now slightly delayed to happen after the segue has completed. This improves things significantly on older PCs or on PCs running multiple radio stations simultaneously.
  • The Dashboard "power" button now changes colour to show if Log Playback is running.

Media Players:

  • There is a new per-user Preference "Automatically start playing 'Previewed' Media items" that allows you to control if a Previewed item should play immediately or just be cued into a Player. This can be found on the Customise Window

K600 Keyboard improvements:

  • The Customise option to prevent closing items while they are playing now also applies to the K600
  • There is a new Application Setting that allows you to control how the Close/Eject Player buttons work - there are 3 options, 'Normally' just works as it does in previous releases, 'Delayed' means you have to hold down the button for a short period before the item will be closed, finally 'Disabled' stops the button from working all together.  This works in conjunction with the Customise option, so you can still choose to only allow the Close to actually operate if the item is paused/cued.

Now Playing Information:

  • Billboard File: There is new Station Setting "Write Now Playing to a Billboard file" option on the OCP tab. This will result in a "Now Playing" xml file being written to the "Stations" sub-directory of the Data Location when the Log starts a new item or if the log is edited. This means you can now easily get the metadata about the curently playing item without needing to be install and configure Myriad OCP.
  • If the currently playing Log Item has a "stop" ending and reaches the end (i.e. is now waiting for Go) then Myriad Playout will now 'clear' the Now Playing information sent to OCP and the new Billboard File. This behaviour can be changed by a new setting in Station Settings under Now Playing "Clear the Now Playing Information if the current item has a 'Stop' ending and has completed."

Copyright Play Logs Report:

  • There is a new option on the Play Logs report to export the report as a Copyright Report.
  • By default Myriad Playout ships with report templates for UK PRS and PPL, Canadian SOCAN and CRTC and also Danish Gramex and KODA.
  • If you need to send a report to an alternate organisation, you can create your own reports by customising the "General Copyright Report" file.


  • User History: The User History window has had a significant overhaul with a new more powerful results display for example you can alter column sizes, group information together. You can also now narrow down your search time period to per second instead of previously having to see a full day of entries.
  • User History: The Users drop down now only shows the names of Contacts who can login instead of all Contacts.


  • You can now use the result of one command 'in-line' as the parameter for another - e.g. System.ShowMessage([System.GetComputerName()]) shows the name of the computer, Players.PlayItem(-1,0,[System.GetCurrentHour]) plays a different Media Item based on the current Hour. To use one command inside another you must wrap it in square brackets - i.e. [ and ].
  • New "Log" Commands: There are several new commands, full details can be found in the Command Documentation on the Help menu:
    • Log.AutoSchedule(stationId,startLogHour,endLogHour)
    • Log.CopyHour(sourceStationId,sourceLogHour,destinationStationId,destinationLogHour,resetAdvertBreaks)
    • Log.DeleteHour(stationId,logHour)
    • Log.MergeAdverts(stationId,startLogHour,endLogHour)
    • Log.RemoveAdverts(stationId,startLogHour,endLogHour)
  • New "Number" Commands: There are several new commands, full details can be found in the Command Documentation on the Help menu:
    • Number.Add(initialNumber,number1,number2... )
    • Number.Subtract(initialNumber,number1,number2... )
    • Number.Multiply(initialNumber,number1,number2... )
    • Number.Divide(initialNumber,number1,number2... )
  • New "System" Command: System.ShowMessageYesNo Shows a message box and waits for the answer. If the chooses No then the current command sequence finishes immediately - very useful for giving the user a chance to cancel a command sequence. This command is not suitable for use as a condition part of a #IF statement.
  • New "Remote" Command: Remote.HttpGet calls the requested http resource using the HTTP GET method.
  • Documentation: The documentation has been slightly revised to remove some parameter hints that were causing confusion - e.g. "mode:" in the Qae.ChangeMode Command information.

 Remote connections and REST API:

  • There is a new Help>Documentation menu option to take you directly to the REST API information. This menu option is only enabled if HTTP connections are enabled in Playout Settings.
  • The REST API's for Favourites/PlayItem and Favourites/CueItem now use either the favourite index OR the media id - so you can achieve "play Favourite 27", or "play the first Favourite that has media ID 1234 assigned to it"

Command line options:

  • /AdminLicense Limits Myriad to only use the features available with an Admin License (only applies to Myriad Playout Full License)
  • /LiteLicense Limits Myriad to only use the features available with a Lite License (only applies to Myriad Playout Full and Admin Licenses)

Command Line Utility:

  • The Command Line utility has two new actions - /ScheduleLog option which schedules a date range using Myriad Schedule and /RemoveLog which removes a date range from the Log.
    • /Action=ScheduleLog /Profile=Profile1 /StationId=0 /Start=NowDayTNowHour+1 /End=NowDay+1TNowHour+1
    • /Action=RemoveLog /Profile=Profile1 /StationId=0 /Start=NowDay+1T00:00:00 /End=NowDay+7T23:59:59

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Media Import: Myriad would refuse to importing a transport file that contained a Media Item that had had a blank Note added to it.
  • Media Import: Myriad would sometimes fail to import an item if the audio file contained multiple "category" or genre encodings.
  • Media Import: Extro's would sometimes not be automatically detected on some mp3 files.
  • Media Pack Import: Media Pack's would fail to import in some international countries due to a regionalisation issue with the Pack Contents file.
  • Media Library: Changing to Advanced Search then selecting an Item Type would correctly fill in the Category dropdown, but then later changes to the Item Type would not update the drop down.
  • Log Playback: If Myriad received a Player "Play" instruction from an external trigger (e.g. Hardware line) whilst in the middle of already setting that player Playing then Myriad would sometimes "GO" on to the next item in the log prematurely.
  • Segue Editor: Abandoning a new Voice Link could sometimes delete the wrong item.
  • Log Editing: Adding or Editing a Split Advert Break or Split Group would not immediately update the duration and status of the Log Item based on the latest information from Myriad Network SE
  • Log Import: Importing a Legacy Myriad Playout v4 XML file that referred to a Command Media Item would wrongly add the item to the Log as a Media Item. It now correctly adds it as a Command Log Item.
  • Media Item Infomation: You could not set the "Already scheduled either yesterday/tomorrow... " setting higher than 1 hour.
  • Preferences: The user's Preferences could become corrupted in the extreme condition of the Data Location running out of all available free disk space.
  • Commands: The OnAir.SetNowPlayingSimple example given in the Command documentation was incorrect.

v5.17 Release 2 - April 2019

New Features/Changes:

Advert Log File Support:

(Experimental) Myriad can now import Advert logs created by Marketron using the "Simian" Export format.

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Media Grid: An item would only show it's custom backcolor if it had audio - i.e. a "Titles only" Media Item would not show the back color correctly.
  • Media Editing: After User A logs out and User B logs in, User B could wrongly be prevented from saving an item in the Editor if User A wouldn't have had permissions to edit it.
  • Media Import: Importing mp2 files would sometimes fail to start and report that the file is not valid.
  • Media Import: Importing WAV files with Broadcast WAVE format tags that had hidden invalid data in the Description field would cause Myriad to display an error when importing the item. The item would still be imported, but the title would be invalid.
  • Log Editing: If you deleted an item from the Log just after it had finished playing (within 1 or 2 seconds) then Myriad would try to continuously mark that (now deleted) item as Played. This would not cause an operational issue, but would result in higher database loading.
  • OCP Presenter: The currently logged in user was always being sent to OCP as a "Test User" placeholder username.
  • OCP Now Playing: Arabic text was not being sent correctly to OCP for currently playing items.

v5.17 15th April 2019

New Features/Changes:

K600 Keyboard support:

Myriad Playout has support for the new K600 keyboard. This next generation keyboard is similar in size to the K500 and has keys for a wide variety of popular functions including Player control, firing Favourites as well as Log playback control.  To turn on this support, go into Application Settings>Remote Connections.

The significant advantage over the K500 is that the keys light up to show which functions are available - for example, a Favourite key will only illuminate if that Favourite has a Media Item assigned to it. Media Players and the Log "Go" button also have a great feature where the buttons "flash" as the playing item reaches 10 seconds from the Extro to catch your attention.


  • Importing: Myriad now automatically checks for RadioHost timing information when importing mp3 and WAV files. If found, then any embedded titling information is discarded (as RadioHost doesn't support them) and instead the filename is used as Artist-Title.


  • Recorder: The Recorder has a new cleaner look that focusses on the duration recorded and remaining. If you prefer the more detailed view, there is a new Customise option to show more information.
  • Logging: A new "Recorded" event is logged in the Directory History after a recording is successfully saved.

Powerful Multitrack Hindenburg Broadcaster Support:

  • We have been working closely with Hindenburg to add native support for Myriad Media files.
  • This means that if you edit an item in Myriad's Media Editor, and click External Edit, that Hindenburg will then seamlessly create a multi track sessions for it, and any assets you add will then be stored with the Myriad Media item.
  • Clicking Save in Hindenburg will automatically create a mixdown of the Multitrack session into the Myriad Media item, and then when re-editing that same Media Item later will automatically re-open that session file with no user input. This makes it incredibly easy to alter a multi track item - for example a  show promo that needs to be updated each day/week.
  • Inside Hindenburg you can now right click to insert a Media Item directly and just enter the ID number and Hindenburg will automatically bring in the audio along with all timing points. You can also use an option on the File menu.
  • You can easily replace an item in the Multitrack with another Media Item just by right clicking.
  • Hindenburg is also now available as an option for the Export Log Hour to Multitrack Session file
  • There is an additional option on the Log that allows you to automatically export the hour to Hindenburg then use the native "Publish" support that is built into Hindeburg to send the hour to external destinations/ftp sites/sound cloud etc.

On-Air control:

  • Requesting Control: When you request On-Air Control, Myriad Playout will now continue to request control even if the current controller is set to "Never Release". Previous releases of would show a message box in this scenario meaning you had to re-request control when they had released. This meant that you could not use a pair of hardware lines to flip control from one studio to the other as you could not guarantee that the "current" controller would release before the new one requested. You can now use this method as the "new" one will continue to monitor so it can take control when the current one releases.


  • Play Logs: You can now filter the Report results by Item Type.


  • OnAir Commands: There are several new commands, full details can be found in the Command Documentation on the Help menu:
    • OnAir.GetNowPlayingFull(stationId)
    • OnAir.GetNowPlayingSimple(stationId)
    • OnAir.SetNowPlayingSimple(stationId,"jsonString")
    • OnAir.GetShowInformation(stationId)
    • OnAir.SetShowInformation(stationId,"jsonString")
  • Player Fade Commands: If the player is actively playing then the fade command will execute, if the player is not playing the item will be immediately closed for FadeOut commands, or the volume set to the specified volume for FadeTo commands.


  • Station Menu: You can now reload the Station Settings directly from the Station menu. This is useful if the settings have been altered on another computer and you want to reload them without having to close and re-open the Station.
  • Application Settings>Mixer Connection: The Mixer Connection settings have moved from the Options tab to the Remote Connections tab.
  • Media Engine Settings: Audio playback devices are now listed in alphabetical order.

Command Line Utility:

  • The Command Line utility has a new /ExportTransportFiles option which will export all the media items in a specified range - e.g.
    • /Action=ExportTransportFiles /ExportPath=C:\MyExport\Songs /StartId=10000 /EndId=99999
  • It has 2 additional optional command line options that you can choose between:
    • /LastModifiedAfter=2019-03-01T00:00:00 which will export all items that have changed since the 1st of march
    • /LastModifiedAfterGroup="All Songs" which will export all items that have changed since the last time this command was executed.
  • With the new /LastModifiedAfterGroup option, this will not export anything the first time it runs but will note the time that it was run. Then the next time it is run it will export all items that have been modified since then.


  • Player Status Lines: There are several new status lines such as "Has Item" that will activate when any item is in the player, regarldless of whether it's playing or not.
  • Recorder Status lines: Myriad Playout can now activate hardware lines to show the status of the Recorder.
  • Recorder Control lines: You can now remotely start and stop recordings via hardware lines.
  • Favourite Status Lines: Myriad Playout can now activate a hardware line to show that a Favourite has a Media Item assigned to it.
  • Log Playback Status: Myriad Playout can now activate hardware lines to show when the Log is "Running", when the current item has reached it's end, or light up when the item is playing, but will start flashing 10 seconds from the end.
  • SegEdit lines: The combined SegEdit Control/Status display has been split into 2 separate sections - one for Control and one for Display.
  • SegEdit Control: There is a new line to Toggle the visibility of the Popup Segue Editor window.
  • Dashboard Control: There is a new line to trigger displaying the Smart Info for a specifed line in the Dashboard.
  • Command Processor Control: You can now specify an additional command sequence to be executed when a line is "Cleared".

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Media Library View: The Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Shift+P keyboard shortcuts were not Playing/Cueing the highlit item.
  • Log View: Copying an Advert Break or Time item to another hour would not reset the reference time to be inside the destination hour.
  • Log Playback: The keyboard shortcut to force the next item to pre-cue (Ctrl+Shit+Q) was not working.
  • SmartInfo: SmartInfo would sometimes fail to return information about an artist if Myriad is running in a country which uses a comma as a decimal separator - e.g. Germany.
  • Media Report: Mass changing an item would result in the date and year information being hidden in the report display. The Media item itself was unaffected and refreshing the results would re-display the information.
  • Media Editing: If a media item had rogue Category information caused by an issue in earlier releases of AutoImporter then you could not change the category via the Media Editor or via a Mass Change.
  • Segue Editor: Clicking the button to create waveforms for missing items could cause Myriad Playout to exit if a non-audio item was in the Segue Editor.
  • Security: If you went into Directory Settings and ONLY changed the setting to allow Blank Passwords then that change would not be saved.
  • Security: If you renamed the Guest Account then Myriad would attempt and fail to create a new Guest account each time it started up.
  • Licensing: Some types of license would result in a warning message that a Licensing folder was missing. Previously you would have to manually creating that folder.
  • Hardware Lines: A line assigned to execute a command would lose the assgined Command text after restarting Myriad Playout.
  • Command line options: The /NoOCP, /NoMyriadNetwork etc. command line options were not being honoured in Multi Station Log playback mode.
Other internal changes:
  • DBST Reporting added.
  • SMX: 4/5 changeover phase 2.

v5.16 February 2019

New Features/Changes:

Multi-Station Log Playback ("Multi-Qae"):

  • Myriad Playout now has a new "Multi-Station" mode that allows you to play the scheduled Logs for multiple Stations simultaneously all on a single PC.
  • A typical example use for this is for Automation PC's that will run 2 or more sister services with AutoTrack or InstantTrack generated Scheduled Logs that can also contain Voice links etc.
  • There is a new Application Setting mode that allows you to switch from Single Station Mode to Multi-Station Mode.
  • In Multi-Station Mode, you can the assign a unique set of Media Engine Settings per Station Log playback, or use the "shared" Media Engine that is used by the other tiles such as the MediaWall etc.
  • There is a new "MultiStation" Layout that shows an example of a suitable Layout that displays multiple Logs and matching Dashboards.
  • For more information about this feature and licensing information please contact

Publish to Mixcloud:

  • You can now publish a Media Item straight from Myriad Playout to Mixcloud.
  • There is a new 'Publish' button on the Edit ribbon of the MediaWall Grid view and the Media Libary view to publish the highlighted item. You can also right click on the item on the MediaWall grid.
  • Mixcloud requires you to upload items that are a minimum of typically about 13 minutes, and you are expressly forbidden from uploading single tracks - it is only for Shows or show segments, but at the time of release is royalty free as they are funded by advertising.
  • The Mixcloud account token is stored per-station in the Myriad Playout Database, so you can upload to different Mixcloud accounts for each Station in your database.
  • There is a new MediaWall Directory Permission that allows you to control if a user has permission to upload content to your Station's Mixcloud account.

Clock AutoPlay:

  • You can now drag a Media Item onto the Clock display and it will automatically play that item backtimed to the top of the next hour.
  • For example, if you drop on a 10second item, it will be automatically played at 59 minutes and 50 seconds past the current hour.
  • When an AutoPlay Media Item is assigned, the clock display automatically switches to a count downtimer to the time the item will auto play and a button appears showing you the name of the item. Clicking the button will remove the AutoPlay item.
  • If any other Media Items are playing in players at the time the AutoPlay item is due to start then it will rapidly fade them out using the "Go" fade duration from the current Station's Settings.
  • If there are no Players available, then AutoPlay will attempt to use a player that contains an item that is Cued, but if all players are either Playing or Paused, then AutoPlayer will NOT play the item.


  • The Media Editor window has a new "Add Encoded String" button which makes it much easier to add strings to Commands (e.g. SendTCPMessage) that might need to contain non alphanumeric characters like carriage returns etc.
  • The search results in the MediaWall Grid and Library views have a new streamlined view that allows you to see more results on screen, reduces the screen clutter and updates much faster when scrolling.
  • Switching between different types of Jump Buttons (e.g. Local/Shared/Personal) is now instant rather than scrolling vertically to switch between banks.

Scheduled Log:

  • By default, Myriad Playout now waits until 30 seconds before the end of the currently playing item before cueing the next item into the Players. You can change this behaviour in Station Settings on the Log Playback tab by changing the new setting "Delay cueing the next item until the current item is.... "
  • You can now create multiple hours using InstantTrack in one go by using the Import/Schedule button on the Hour/Import Ribbon on the Log View. This means that the same button is now used to import or schedule logs regardless of whether you are using InstantTrack, importing third party log files, or just copying from a Parent Log.
  • You can now insert Scripts into the Scheduled Log, and edit any existing Scripts that have been added by your scheduling system.
  • You can now set how long Myriad will wait before automatically jumping to "now" - this option is on the Log View>View Ribbon>Options button. The default has also changed to 120 seconds instead of the previous 60 seconds.
  • A user can now only dynamically create an hour in the log (by dragging an item onto a blank hour start item) if they have "Mass Edit" Scheduled Log permission.
  • "Replace Item" now has the new keyboard shortcut option +R
  • The "Can be Dropped" and "Can be Faded" buttons are now only enabled for types that are set to be fadeable in Station Settings - e.g. only Songs  by default.

Live Read Scripts:

  • The "Scripts" menu option has now moved to the top of the main menu - previously it was on the View menu under Live Read Scripts.

Clock Tile:

  • The Clock Tile can now display a "seconds" tick wheel around the outside edge of the tile in a very similar style to the clock in the Broadcast Radio SmartSign device. You can turn this on by adding the new showSecondTicks setting in the Layout file. There is an example of this setting in the Default Layout With Clock layout.
  • You can now set the background and text colour for the AudioMonitorView using the backgroundColor and textColor settings. There are examples of this in the Simple Production Layout.

SmartDisplay Tile:

  • You can now specify a rotationAngle property for the text to rotate the text element. For example -90 will rotate the text 90 degress anti-clockwise.

MediaItemInfo Tile:

  • The Media Item Info tile has been changed so that it will now only change to show the most recently selected item if it isn't actively playing audio.

 MiniMediaPlayersView Tile:

  • There is a new Tile that shows a compact version of the Media Players
  • There is an example of in the new MultiStation Layout.

SimpleMixerView Tile:

  • There are two new settings imageLocationOn and imageLocationOff which are used to set the images to be used when the mixer channel is On and Off. If you don't set these then Myriad Playout will display the default Microphone images. These locations can be a fully qualified path - e.g. c:\MyFiles\Logo.png - or a relative path - e.g. Logos\MyLogo.png - in which case Myriad Playout will look for a file called MyLogo.png in a "logos" subfolder of the Layouts folder under C:\ProgramData\BroadcastRadio\Profiles\.... etc.

AudioMonitorView Tile:

  • There are two new settings showConnectionCaption and showSilentAlert which are used to show/hide the Connection caption at the top and the "Silent" alert at the bottom.
  • You can now set the background and text colour for the AudioMonitorView using the backgroundColor and textColor settings. There are examples of this in the Simple Production Layout.
  • There is a new source type for the AudioMonitorView of ExternalMixerSource which allows you to drive the Audio Monitor's VU levels from a D&R Mixer - see below - you can specify either program or controlRoom.

Mixer/Hardware Connections:

  • D&R: There is a new D&R mixer setting to "Receive meter information". This then receives VU meter information from Airlite and Webstation mixers and can display this in the AudioMonitorView tile. To see this information you must set the source type for the AudioMonitorView to ExternalMixerSource as detailed above. Note that with this setting enabled you cannot use the D&R Metering software. The Simple Production Layout has been updated with examples of using VU meters connected to the Program and ControlRoom VU meters provided by the D&R Mixers.
  • Hardware Service: Added support for v5.6 of the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service which adds support for working directly with AEQ Virtual GPI and Virtual GPO lines on the AEQ Capitol IP, Forum IP and NetBox 32 devices. It also adds support for the Broadcast Radio Switcher v1, more details of which will be announced separately.
  • AXIA Livewire: There is now a MyriadPlayout5.gpiovk file that is installed by Myriad in the Docs\External\Axia subfolder of the location Myriad is installed into - usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Broadcast Radio\Myriad Playout v5\Docs\External\Axia". The AXIA IP Audio Driver configuration application can then be used to point the GPIO setting to that file. This then allows the faders on an Axia mixer to put the Media Player in and ouot of Prevmode, as well as enabling the "next" button to Play/Pause toggle the currently playing item. You will need to have enabled "Allow connections to the Myriad Command Processor on UDP port" to port 6059 on the Remote Connections tab in Application Settings.

Startup Options:

  • There are 2 new options on the Advanced tab in Application Settings that allow you to control which screens Myriad Playout uses - for example you might want to limit it to only display on a single screen, or to display on screens 2 and 3 only.
  • The option to check for Beta Releases at startup has been removed.


  • There is now an menu option on the Install Layouts menu that allows to you to easily install a new Layout from a file.
  • Many more Views now support the lockToStationId parameter to control which station they should work with if used in a MultiStation environment. Please see the Layouts documentation on the support section of the Broadcast Radio website for more information.


  • New conditional processing - #IF-#ELSE-#END: This is a massive new feature - you can now use #IF statements to only execute a subset of commands IF a certain condition is met - for example, only if running on a specified computer.
    For example, to check to see if there are at least 5 players and if so play Media Item 2 in player 5. If there are not more than 5 (e.g. the ELSE section) then the item will be played in player 1 instead:

      #IF {Players.Count(0)>=5}

    Another example which would only allow Studio 1 to take on air control - this also demonstrates the new REM statement to include human comments that the Command Processor would ignore.

     REM Check the ComputerName, and if it's NOT Studio1 then return
     #IF {System.GetComputerName()!="STUDIO1"}
     REM Ok, to have got this far, we MUST be on STUDIO1
  • New REM or REMARK statement: The Command Process will ignore any like that starts with REM or REMARK This is ideal for leaving code comments or just to temporarily prevent a line from being executed.
  • New Player Command: Players.SetVolume(stationId,playerIndex,volumePercentage) will set the volume of the specified player to the specified percentage.
  • New Player Command: Players.FadeTo(stationId,playerIndex,fadeDurationMsec,volumePercentage) fades the volume of the specified player to the specified percentage over the duration specifed. This will fade the volume up or down from the current volume.
  • New Player Command: Players.FadeToItem(stationId,playerIndex,mediaId,fadeDurationMsec,volumePercentage) fades the volume of the specified mediaItem (optionally in the specified player) to the specified percentage over the duration specified. This will fade the volume up or down from the current volume.
  • New Player Command: Players.CloseAll(stationId) will closes any media items playing in any player.
  • New Qae Command: Qae.GetMode(stationId) returns the current mode - e.g. AutoFade or LiveAssist
  • New OnAir Command: OnAir.GetControlStatus(stationId) returns the current status - e.g. None, ControlRequested or IsController.
  • OnAir Command changes: OnAir.RequestControl and OnAir.ReleaseControl now take a StationID parameter - this can be left blank or set to -1 to mean the active station.
  • New System Command: Station.GetActiveStationId() returns the station ID number of the opened station. Returns -1 if no Station is open.
  • New System Command: System.GetComputerName() returns the windows network name of the computer - e.g. "STUDIO1-PC"
  • New System Command: System.ShowMessage("messageText") displays a message box on screen containing the text you specify.
  • New System Commands: There are many new commands for reading the current date/time etc. - for example  System.GetCurrentDay() or System.GetCurrentHourUtc() For full details please see the Command documention.
  • Remote connections: There is 1 new command: Remote.SendUdpMessage - This takes an ipaddress, port and message string to send. The message string can also be URL Encoded incase you need to include special characters such as carriage returns, commas etc. If you need to include a + symbol then you must specify this as %2B - for example, to send a message to turn on vGPIO Line 1 on an AEQ Forum Mixer on IP addres you would use the command Remote.SendUDPMessage(,2001,"AEQ_RUN:%01%01") - Incidentally, to turn it back off again would be Remote.SendUDPMessage(,2001,"AEQ_RUN:%01%00")
  • New Commands Command: Commands.Return(optional returnValue) stops processing any more commands in that script immediately. You can also use Commands.Exit as that is the same.  The returnValue is an optional parameter that will be returned to the caller - this means you can use Commands.Return to return a value to be considered by an IF statement - see above for more about IF statements.
  • The following commands have been renamed:
    • Commands.List -> Commands.GetList
    • Qae.Status -> Qae.GetStatus
    • Players.Status -> Players.GetStatus
    • Players.Count -> Players.GetCount
    • Players.EmptyCount -> Players.GetEmptyCount
    • Recorders.Status -> Recorders.GetStatus
    • Recorders.Count -> Recorders.GetCount
    • Recorders.EmptyCount -> Recorders.GetEmptyCount

Note: For more information about the available commands, please see the Command Processor documentation on the Help Menu.

Remote connections and REST API:

  • In Multi-Station mode (see above), there are new additional REST endpoints available to provide a dedicated endpoint per active Station. For example http://localhost:9180/MyriadPlayout5/5/ to work with the Station with the id number of 5.
  • The REST API's for Log/ChangeItemChainType, Log/ReadDisplayitems, Log/ReadDisplayItemsForHours and Station/GetInformation no longer take a StationID, and they always return the information for the currently opened Station.

Other changes:

  • All VU meters have a fresh new look which helps give an indication of the general warning and danger levels when recording or playing back new audio.

The following issues have been fixed:

  • (Release 2) Editing a Media item: The Category drop down would show when first editing an item.
  • (Release 2) MultiStation: AutoRestarting would cause one of the Stations to use the Shared media engine instead of their own dedicated engine.
  • Pad Send To Log: If you are in a non-GMT timezone then sending from the Pad to Log in then Myriad was checking the wrong hour in the log to see if it already existed.
  • Media Playback: Recueing a playing Hook would restart playing the hook again immediately rather than waiting for it to be played again.
  • Media Export: Exporting a section of an audio file to the Pad would cause Myriad to close if there was no Artist name entered.
  • Media Searching: Repeated searches of the MediaWall using the Grid View, the Library View or the Reports window could result in memory usage increasing over time. This would also be dramatically increased when using the Log Editing Replace/Insert Media item features.
  • Media Export: Exporting a Media item from the MediaWall or Media Library as mp2, mp3 or ogg was not setting a default bitrate in the Audio Format window. If you clicked OK without noticing then you would get an export file format error.
  • Scheduled Log Import: If a log file contained "link" items that were not validly formatted, then Myriad would create Log Items that did not have an item color. The log would also be slow to update the display. These items are now imported as Script items.
  • Scheduled Log Export: Exporting an hour to a Myriad XML file would not include some adjustments to the timing when an item was pulled "left" to make it play earlier over the preceding item.
  • Favourites: Command Media Items would not show their custom background colours (if assigned).
  • Layouts: Myriad would not honour a Screen's "index" attribute when loading a Layout from the file, and would instead always enumerate screens in the order they were listed.
  • Layout Changes (including Login/Logout): These could result in a small but persistent increase in memory use each time a user logged in or out.
  • Child Station AutoFill: If a Station was set as a Child to another Station and was underrunning, it would not autofill using the Preset Assignment grid from it's Parent and would continue to underrun.
  • Child Station AutoFill: If a Station was set as a Child to another Station and that parent only had a small number of items per hour, then Myriad Playout would copy the "next" hour from the parent, but then attempt to re-copy that hour again, resulting in an error message that the hour already existed.
  • Log Playback: Pressing a fader start to play the next item if you are set to NOT fade out the previous item would leave the item still marked as "playing" in the Scheduled Log.
  • Log Editing: Deleting the last item in an hour would not update the time shown on the Hour Start item.
  • SegEdit: If you recorded a new Voice Link onto the end of the currently playing item, the timing of that item would not always update in the Dashboard and it would play out at the end of the current item instead of at the chosen position. Similarly, adjusting the end of the "current" item in SegEdit would also sometimes not be respected.
  • Media Item Info View: When inserting an item into the Log with a Layout that has a Media Item Info View visible, you would sometimes see an error message about a date time value not being valid.
  • SimpleMixerView: When Myriad first started, the channel states would be displayed incorrectly requiring faders to be opened then closed to reset the display.
  • Security: Changes to a Security Group's or Person's "Edit Media ranges" would not be saved if you clicked ok immediately after editing the start or end media id.
  • D-R AIRLITE-USB Support: Fixed an issue with the connection to a D-R AIRLITE which was using the wrong ports. Myriad Playout now connects using ports 19550 and 19551 (the default ports).
  • Favourites indication on supported Mixers: Comand Media Items were not illuminating Favourite buttons on supported mixers.
  • Date Selection: Changing the date in the date range selection window would reset the time, especially when running Myriad in non GMT locations.
  • REST API: Starting the media item in a player that is due to be "next" from the Scheduled Log via the REST api  would not trigger the QAE "Go".
Other internal changes:
  • Changed from AnyCPU to x86 compilation.
  • Inclusion of CEF Framework.
  • BRL/SLS Support.
  • SMX: 4/5 changeover.
  • Copyright stamp updated to 2019.

v5.15 13th November 2018

Important Critical Changes:

  • Ducking Level: As part of the changes to the new Multi-Station settings (see below), the default "ducking" level has changed to 75% (previously it was set to 90%) - this is based on user feedback that 90% was not a deep enough duck for most sweepers/voicelinks, so many stations have changed their settings already. If you have changed your setting, this change will not affect you, and the duck level you have set will be remembered. If however, you have not previously adjusted the duck level, then you will now find that it is set to 75% and your sweepers and voice links are now clearer and less likely to get lost in the music. If, after listening, you prefer the old setting, you just need to go into Database Settings and re-set the volume to 90% and it will be remembered from then on.

New Features/Changes:

Multi-Station Settings:

  • Myriad now has independent settings for each Station in the Database - for example you can now enter unique settings for AutoHooks for each station, you can connect to different instances of OCP for each station, or you may need to set the fade duration for items differently for each station to reflect each stations format.
  • Database Settings has been split into two separate areas - settings that are database wide - for example Media Ranges, Import formats etc. - are still in Database Settings, but there is a new "Stations" tab that shows all of the Stations in the database. Clicking the settings icon on each station then shows the new Station Settings Window which lets you configure the per-station settings - i.e. AutoFade settings/OCP settings etc.
  • The Database Settings from older releases of Myriad v5 are now imported into the new Station Settings the first time you open a Station, so all of your settings will be automatically imported across so your station sound is unaffected.
  • Myriad Network users can now use different Split Groups for each Station.


  • Media "Trigger" Points: You can now 'trigger' a second Media Item to play whenever a Media Item hits the Intro/Hook/Extro timing points. For example, you might have a news bed (Media ID 101) that needs to automatically play the imported news (Media ID 102) when the bed reaches it's Intro End. To do this, go into the Media Editor and turn on the 'Trigger' items on the View ribbon, then you will see a new Media ID field appear below the Timing boxes at the foot of the window. Simply enter 102 into the box under the Intro End and click save. Whenever the news bed is now played, it will automatically "play" Media Id 102 at the Intro End.
  • Media "Trigger" Points: Because the Media Items to be triggered can be any type of Media Item, it could be Command type Media Items, so you could use this same feature to "Play" a Command Media ID at the 'Hook Start' that turns on a hardware line, and "Play" a different Media item one at the 'Hook End' to turn on a device such as a mixing desk channel for a remote satellite feed.
  • Jump to Media Id: The "Find next empty Media Item" button now initially searches from the Media Item you were on before opening the Jump To Media ID Window. Each subsequent click then searches for the next empty item after that.
  • Media Editing: When an Artist is detected as being a good candidate for splitting - e.g. "Olly Murs ft. Rizzle Kicks" there is a new button that allows you to mark it as valid and not needing splitting - this is for Artists that cause false positives such as "Derek & The Dominoes".
  • Media Editing: The "Content Type" (e.g. Audio File, Media List, Rotating List, Command etc.) is now shown more clearly using a green button instead of light blue highlight.
  • Media Editing: You are now prevented from changing an Audio Item into another Content Type if you have added audio.
  • Media Import: There is a new Customisation option: "After importing files, ask if the original file should be deleted". This option is off by default.
  • Media Export: Media Items with multiple Artists now have commas separating the Artist names.


  • The Favourites Play mode of "Single" now uses the "Go" fade duration as set in Station Settings.

Scheduled Log:

  • Drag 'n' Drop: when dragging a new item into the log, or an existing item around in the log, you will now see bars at the top and bottom that will scroll the view to allow you to drag to another part of the log. You can also dragover the "home" button on the right hand side to jump back to "now".
  • Send to OCP: Changes to the log are now sent to OCP immediately, rather than waiting for the next Segue.
  • Print the Log: There is a new option on the Hour ribbon that allows you to print a range of hours from the Scheduled Log. You can also right click on an Hour Start and choose to print that hour directly.
  • Media Item Titling: There is a new Log Display option in Station Database settings - "Display the titles from the Media items in preference to the titles in the Scheduled Log" allows you to display the titles from the Media Item instead of those from your Scheduling system. This is also useful if the name of a Media Item changes regularly after it is scheduled - for example a prerecorded News Bulletin that contains the date/time of recording in the Item Title
  • Hooks: There is now a "Item's Hook" sub menu on the right click menu that allows you to easily Play, cue or preview the hook for the highlit item.
  • Jump to Media Item: There is a new "Jump to this Media Item on the MediaWall" option on the right click menu that will take you straight to that item on the MediaWall.
  • Log Import: If the hour that is being imported is the Daylight Savings "fallback" hour, then Myriad will look for a script item titled "Repeated hour due to the clocks going back" and will split that hour into 2 hours to correctly import into the log.

Schedule Warnings:

  • There is a new Reports button on the Log View that allows to run a new "Warnings" report that will show you a list of any hours that are likely to underrun, or where Media Items are missing from the MediaWall. It will also show you any Songs or Links that are currently 'unscheduled'.
  • There is a new pair of options in Station Settings on the Scheduler Tab that control whether this report should automatically run after new 'Main' logs (e.g. Music+Links) are imported, and/or when Advert Logs are merged in.

Segue Editor:

  • The way the SegueEditor calulates start times for events internally has been updated which allows for tighter voice links.
  • The envelope editing system has been rewritten resulting in significantly reduced flicker whilst editing segues and recording new voice links.
  • Making changes to the current Segue in the SegueEditor now also resets the "jump to now" timer in the Log Display meaning that it will prevent the log from jumping "home" if you are actively working on segues.

Live Read Scripts:

  • Live Read Scripts are now available from the View Menu. This displays a list of all of the files in the "Scripts" sub folder of your Myriad data location.
  • Currently txt, htm and html files are all supported, but you should avoid using very heavy html inside the script files (or linking to image resources on the internet) to avoid any performance issues, however the script display window is capable of handling very complex html, so you should find almost all needs are covered.

Social Posts:

  • You can now easily insert tags that will include the contents of a file when the post is sent via OCP. These files must be in the Social subfolder of the Data location, and should be plain text.

SmartInfo/Media Item Info View:

  • Media Item Info: You can now "pin" an item to the Media Item Info view so it remains in place when you select other items on the MediaWall/Log etc.
  • Traffic: Added more text processing support for handling more generic RSS feeds such as

Database Settings (applies to all Stations):

  • Media Range: You can now specify "No normalisation" for new audio imported into a Media Range (as well as the existing Peak or RMS setting).


  • Station Commands: There are 2 new commands: Station.OpenStation(stationId) will open a specified station if it not open already, and  Station.CloseStation(stationId) will close the specified station. You can also call Station.CloseStation(-1) to close the currently opened Station regardless of which stationId it is.
  • QAE Commands: The Qae.DumpItem command has a new (final) parameter - valid options are HardClose or SoftFade - to control if the item is immediately dumped or faded out using the Log Go fade out duration.
  • MediaItemInfoView Commands: There are 2 new commands - MediaItemInfoView.PlayPause and MediaItemInfoView.PlayStop which control the playback of the first available MediaItemInfoView tile, or opened Media Item Info Window
  • SegEditView Commands: There are 3 new commands - SegEditView.OpenPopupSegueEditor, SegEditView.ClosePopupSegueEditor and SegEditView.TogglePopupSegueEditor which Open/Close and Toggle the Popup Segue Editor (i.e. Close the SegEditor if it's already open, otherwise Open it if there isn't one open)

HTML View Tile (Experimental):

  • There is a new "HtmlView" tile that will display the HTML read from a local file or an internet URL.
  • This tile is highly experimental and is not guaranteed to be retained in future releases of Myriad.
  • You should only use this to display static webpages, and should not use this to display webpages that contain hyperlinks as the HtmlView may attempt to honour users clicking the links and this could result in instabilty or even unexpected media content being played out of your sound devices.
  • The page will automatically refresh every 60 seconds, you can alter this in the settings in the Layout file. Setting it to 00:00:00 will disable the autorefresh.
  • To add a HtmlView tile, you will need to add the following to your layout file:

Other changes:

  • Main Window: You can now turn off the auto-selection of tabs when you drag items over them - e.g. dragging a Media Item from the MediaWall over the "Favourites" Tab header will select that tab allowing you to easily drop an item onto a Favourite. This new option is in Customise Personal Preferences.
  • QuickRecorder: You can now set the Normalisation level that the Quick Recorder will use.
  • Recording: If you have set the Media Engine Settings to record locally then transfer to the MediaWall location, the realtime peakfiles are also now written locally then transferred at the end of recording at the same time as the audio recording.
  • Pad: Sending a Pad to the Log now sets the chain type to 'sweep' for media items that are set as sweepers.
  • Audio Monitor Tile: Myriad has been updated to be compatible to include suport for the latest release of the Broadcast Radio Audio Monitor tool.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Myriad now has a new Application wide keyboard handler that means the "global" keyboard shortcuts (like Log-GO, Media Player Controls, Favourites etc.) now work in any window within in Myriad, even the popup windows like Reports and Library Suggest.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: The keyboard shortcuts for Recording have been brought in line with the players by adding "CTRL" - so Stop recording and prompt to save is now CTRL+ALT+F12 and Stop and Auto-save is CTRL+ALT+SHIFT F12.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: The keyboard shortcuts for Favourites have been updated to include the ALT key (so now CTRL+ALT) as this resolves an issue with windows "stealing" CTRL+SHIFT+0 (Favourite 20). The older keyboard shortcuts will continue to work.
  • Hardware: There is a new option "SegEdit control/status display" which currently has a single option: "Show/Hide Popup" - when configured on an Input line, this will open and close the Popup SegueEditor for the first visible LogView. When configured for an output line it will show when the Popup Segue Editor is visible on screen.
  • Hardware: There is a new option under "Other Control" - "Exit any Looping Media Items" will cause any playing items currently in their Loops to exit the loop according to the setting set on the Media Item.
  • Hardware: There is a new "Command Processor Control" which allows you to execute any sequence of valid Myriad Commands. This means you can now use the incredibly powerful Command Language directly from a Hardware Line.
  • REST API: The parameters for the Qae/DumpItem and Qae/ToggleItemChainType APIs have changed.

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Media Editing: The Open for Full Editing and Scan Waveform buttons were briefly enabled while RMS Normalising.
  • Media Editing: If you minimised the editor, then closed it, the the next time you edited an item the window would open minimised.
  • Media Export: Commas were being removed from any Media Items titles when exported.
  • Media Export: Exporting a transport file from the Media Library would leave an export progress bar stuck on screen.
  • Log Editing: Soft deleting/restoring a Log item would not hide/restore the chain type icon until you scrolled the Log display
  • Log Editing: There was a limit to how many items could be manually dragged into an hour before a messages was displayed about a duplicate log index. The algorithm that generates this index has been updated to improve this and will be further adjusted in future releases.
  • Log Editing: Making a minor change to the log (such as soft deleting an item) after some events (such as a Reset Time) would temporarily set the Estimated Start Times of items to UTC/GMT.
  • Segue Editing: Various fixes to Envelope editing.
  • Segue Editing: The Log View was still jumping "home" if you were recording or listening to a segue that was longer than 60 seconds.
  • Segue Editing: After saving a new Voice Link, the display would sometimes change to only showing the voice link and the item after in a 2-line view instead of the usual 3-line view.
  • Segue Editing: Rapidly clicking to listen to a voice link that had just been recorded and was still being processed would show an error that the voice link could not be replaced by the normalised version.
  • Segue Editing: If the Voice Link range was full, Myriad would just start using the first available item after the voice link range, which meant the Voice Link range's normalisation settings were not being applied.
  • Log Playback: Myriad would close if you started to set the Log Playing but an item was already playing and very near the end.
  • Log Playback: AutoHooks items set to "Random" would always return the first 3 "next" items, rather than a random choice.
  • Media Import: Importing a media file with corrupt XML data in a WAV file would cause Myriad to exit.
  • Log/Pad Import/Export: Myriad would exit when trying to load/import/save/export information to a file if the last location used was no longer available or you no longer have permissions to access - for example a USB drive that has been unplugged.
  • Split Advert Breaks with Advert Manager SE: Myriad Playout was erasing the information used by ADSE to determine which adverts to consider for a specific Split Advert Break. This only affected Split Advert Breaks, not regular Advert Breaks.
  • Colour selection in lists (e.g. editing Station Attributes): You could not switch between the colour selection tabs on the colour picker dropdown.
  • Pad: Clicking the 'Refresh' button on a Pad that contained a Pause would cause Myriad to exit.
  • Pad: Load CSV file - This would not read the items from the CSV file.
  • Media Engine Host: Myriad Playout's connection to the Engine Host would sometimes fail when a List was played resulting in a rapid red/yellow "connection fault" message being displayed on screen.
  • Remote TCP Connection commands: Myriad could exit when sending a TCP message to a destination device if that connection could be completed incredibly quickly.

v5.14 (Release 4) 29th October 2018

The following issues have been fixed:

  • SegueEditor: Repeatedly opening and closing the SegueEditor popup window would cause Myriad to consume more memory than needed which could eventually lead to Myriad closing unexpectedly.

v5.14 (Release 3) 12th October 2018

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Recording: Recordings made using the regular Media Recorder or via the SegueEditor would sometimes have small audio glitches in, particularly when Myriad's display was very busy, e.g. during rapid segue's on Log Playback.
  • Recording: Recordings made using the regular Media Recorder or via the SegueEditor would sometimes be missing the last few moments of the recording.
  • Recording: The Level Trigger calculation was slightly wrong in some scenarios, if you have previously reduced the level trigger threshold from the default of 10% then you may need to review the level if you now find it is triggering too rapidly.

v5.14 (Release 2) 24th September 2018

New Features/Changes:

MediaWall View:

  • There is a new Preference (View Menu>Customise Personal Preferences) that allows you to turn on the ability move or copy items around on the MediaWall grid view just by dragging and dropping. To copy an item, hold down the ctrl key while dragging.

Log View:

  • The "Trash" can is back! You can now drag a Log Item into the trash can in the bottom right hand corner of the Navigation bar to permanently delete it, and clicking the bin will restore the last dropped item back into the Log.
  • The "Double Height" Log display option now has the option to show the Artist on the second line.
  • You can now show the Media ID on the Log Display.
  • The "Replace" button is now also available on the "Home" ribbon.
  • The "Jump" button has been renamed to "Goto" and the keyboard shortcut has changed to Ctrl+G.
  • The "Previous hour" and "Next Hour" ribbon buttons have moved to a drop down on the Goto button.
  • Hour Start Log Items now show the estimated duration for the hour, and the Show Title is now prefixed with "Live" or "A/F" (AutoFade) to show the hour mode.
  • Deleting a Voice Track from the log, and answering "yes" to delete the Voice Link, now logs the Media deletion in the directory history.
  • Export to Multitrack clarified to show that Audition v3 is currently the only supported Audition version.
  • Export to Audacity now asks you afterwards if you want to see the exported file (in line with othe exports).
  • Exporting to a Log File/Multitrack now shows a fixed progress bar during the export process.

Media Browser:

  • The Media Browser now uses the Show Large Fonts setting.


  • There are 2 new Media Commands -  Media.CopyItem and Media.MoveItem . These take a stationId parameter, as well as sourceMediaID and destMediaId.

Other Changes:

  • You can now view a list of the most common keyboard shortcuts from the Help menu.

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Instant Track: Myriad could exit when using the Fill Across/Down days feature in the Instant Track Schedule Assignment Grid.
  • Importing Media: Further detection has been added for importing some mp3 files encoded with very unusual mpeg encoding which results in the audio playing back at a lower speed.
  • Dashboard/Log Playback: Editing the segue of the end of the "next" item (for example recording a voice link at the end of it) would not update the length field in the Dashboard, and could result in the segue not playing as intended.
  • Log Playback: Changing from AutoFade to Live mode would remove the "fade" instruction from the currently playing item (if it had been trimmed by AutoFade).
  • Log Display: The blue "played" ticks were not always displaying soon after items had finished playing from the Log.
  • Log Display: Exporting to a multitrack file would fail with some types of entries in the Scheduled Log.
  • Log Display: The 'Gap' time was not being updated after editing a Log item until moving to highlight a different Log item.
  • Log Display: The start time calculation for Sweepers that were due to play "dry" before an item was incorrect if that sweeper was immediately after the currently playing item.
  • Log Display: The reference break time for unscheduled advert breaks was showing in GMT instead of local time.
  • Media Editing: Exporting a section from a source Media Item to a destination MediaItem would wrongly delete the source Media Item.
  • Database Settings: You could not enter a negative Longitude or Latitude.
  • Commands: The PlayItem, PlayItemToExtro, PlayItemToEnd and CueItem commands could not be used to play Media List items.
  • Commands: The Remote.SendTCPMessage - would not always successfully send TCP messages, particularly to other Myriad Playout instances.
  • OCP: Items with a brackets '(' or ')' would be wrongly sent with {28} and {29} replacing the bracket characters.

v5.14 (Release 3) 12th October 2018

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Recording: Recordings made using the regular Media Recorder or via the SegueEditor would sometimes have small audio glitches in, particularly when Myriad's display was very busy, e.g. during rapid segue's on Log Playback.
  • Recording: Recordings made using the regular Media Recorder or via the SegueEditor would sometimes be missing the last few moments of the recording.

v5.14 12th September 2018

Major New Features/Changes:

Log Editing:

  • You can now Cut/Copy and Paste multiple Log items in the log. This makes it incredibly easy to quickly alter your show, either via the Edit Ribbon Tab, the right click menu, or good old fashioned keyboard shortcuts - see the right click menu to see the keyboard shortcuts.
  • You can use shift+click or shift+mousewheel or shift+cursor keys to select a range of Log items.
  • You can then "swap" a single item with another by highlighting it, then right click or by pressing Ctrl+W (or using the Ribbon button), then select the item you want to swap with and click Swap again.

InstantTrack Preset Assignment Grid:

  • You can now assign different Presets to different hours of the week, instead of having to use the same Preset for every hour - this means you can now easily define different shows - for example, Friday from 21:00 to 23:59 might be a 3 hour rock show using the "Rock" preset, whilst overnights uses an "Overnight" preset that plays more Songs and less Links etc.
  • There is a new setting on the Stations menu - "Edit InstantTrack Assignments Grid" displays the new Assignments grid which lets you quickly assign the preset to be used for each hour.
  • AutoFill (used to add songs to top-up under-running hours) also now uses the InstantTrack Assignments grid instead of previous versions where a single preset was used for all hours across all stations in the Database. AutoTrack users should therefore assign a preset to all hours so that AutoFill can choose appropriate songs to match your AutoTrack hours - e.g. only Rock songs during the Rock show.
  • Instant Track Presets are now stored per-station, so each Station now has it's own unique set of presets, and there is a separate Preset grid per station.
  • Child Stations (Stations that are marked as having a 'Parent' Station) do not have their own Assignment grid and just use the grid of their Parent.

Log Export:

  • Export Hour to Multitrack Session File (Experimental): There is a new right click option on the Hour Start Log Item. This exports all audio items in the current hour to an Adobe Audition or Audacity Multitrack session file that can then be used to create a mixdown of that hour. This only supports audio Media Items (e.g. Songs, Links, Voicelinks, Adverts etc.) and does not include any items triggered by Commands, and does not insert any delays caused by Absolute Times etc.

Other Features/Changes:


  • The highlit item is now indicated by a much clearer strong black border making it much easier to see which item is highlighted,especially on a Media Item coloured blue.

Log Playback:

  • Just before the end of each hour InstantTrack checks to make sure the next hour is available and ready to play. If not, then it automatically schedules it by using the Log Import or InstantTrack as configured. Previously, this would only work if there were no other hours after the current on in the log - even if they were several hours or even days away. This means you can now prepare a show further down the log (for example, tomorrow evening) without having to pre-create all of the hours in between.


  • The Database setting for setting new Voice Links to be listed for deletion X days after they are scheduled to be played is now enforced. You can then use the Media Report to see a list of all Media Items that are due to be deleted.
  • There is a preference option on the settings button "Automatically start playing back after adjusting the segue" which is on by default. Turning this off means you can adjust a segue as many times as you like and it will only start playing if you click the Play button.


  • The feed location for Highways England has been updated following the move from the older to
  • If SmartInfo has a problem reading a traffic feed it now displays a single traffic incident with the details of the issue rather than showing a message box - for example if the traffic providers website is down.
  • Pressing "enter" in the SmartInfo Search for Twitter and Search For Wikipedia Page windows now triggers the search so you don't have to click the Search button manually.


  • There is a new per-user Customisation option that turns on a new Large Font Mode (Experimental) - this increases the font size by 50% and turns on Bold on the MediaWall, Media Players, Favourites, Log and Dashboard. The Media Library and MediaWall search results also show results in bold, but the font size does not increase yet, we are hoping to add this in a future release.

Media Report/Mass Changer:

  • The Media Report now shows the Start, End and Delete dates of Media items if set.
  • The Mass Changer now closes after finishing the mass change.

Play Logs Report:

  • You can now filter by Station, and the Station name is now displayed in the report and included in the CSV Export.
  • You can now filter by Location so only show items played by a specific local computer.
  • You can also now filter by Media ID - either a specific ID or all items from a Start ID to an End ID.


  • Media Item Control: You can now add a hardware line that will Play/Pause/Close etc. a specific Media Item. If the media Item is not in a player, then the "Play", "PlayPause" and "Cue" commands will open them in the first available player (based on the MediaWall player orders).  This can also be used to "play" Media Items that are Commands - for example using a hardware line to trigger a command.


  • On-Air Control: There are 2 new commands: OnAir.RequestControl and OnAir.ReleaseControl.
  • Media: There are 2 new Media Commands Media.ImportFile and Media.DeleteItem.
  • LogView: There are 2 new LogView Commands: LogView.JumpToTime and LogView.JumpToNearestHour.
  • Players: The behaviour of the Players.PlayPause and Players.PlayPauseItem commands have changed slightly so that if the item is in the middle of playing a loop section, that loop section is exited, rather than going to the pause state. This is to match the behaviour of the previous releases of Myriad, as well as the behaviour of the Log GO button.
  • Remote connections: There is 1 new command: Remote.SendTCPMessage - This takes an ipaddress, port and message string to send. The message string can also be URL Encoded incase you need to include special characters such as carriage returns, commas etc. If you need to include a + symbol then you must specify this as %2B - for example, to send a message of "the answer is a+b" followed by a carriage return and linefeed to your server on port 1234, you would use the command Remote.SendTCPMessage(,1234,"the answer is a%2Bb%0D%0A").
  • Qae.ChangeMode - Has been changed so it ignores any currently playing items when changing from Standby - this is the equivalent answering "No" to the question about whether to start after the current item has finished.
  • The Commands document has been updated to show the description for each command, as well as adding a Notes section at the top that explains the stationId should currently be set to -1 unless otherwise specified - for example Qae.Go(-1).
  • The TCP and Serial Listeners have been changed so a set of commands are recieved in a single block are all executed as a single batch, rather than broken into individual commands. This is because each command is processed separately, so a sequence of commands could have previously been executed out of sequence.

Command Line Utility:

  • There is a new combined Command Line Utility "MyriadUtilityCL5.EXE" that replaces the older separate Log and Media Import utilities.
  • It has several "actions" which are :
    • /action=ImportLog - Import hours into Log
    • /action=ExportLog - Export hours from Log
    • /action=DeleteMedia - Delete Media item
    • /action=ImportMediaFile - Import a Media file
    • /action=ImportTransportFile - Import a Transport file
    • /action=ExportMediaFile - Export a Media file
    • /action=ExportTransportFile - Export a Transport file
  • For example, if you used the old Media Importer Command Utility, then you now use the new combined Utility with /action=ImportMediaFile, and the old Log Importer is now /action=ImportLog


  • Media Engine Settings: The "Advanced SmoothStream" settings button has been removed as SmoothStream v5 has always automatically tuned itself to use the optimum settings so these settings were always ignored.
  • Database Settings: There is a new button on the Advanced tab that clears the saves Twitter Credentials. You will then need to restart Myriad, and the next time you use the Twitter Search you will be prompted to re-authorise Myriad to use your Twitter account.

Other Changes:

  • The keyboard shortcut to preview the Extro of an item has changed to +O
  • The Split Browser used to insert Myriad Network Split Groups into the Log now shows all 400 groups, even if they are currently empty.

The following issues have been fixed:

Memory Use:

  • Repeated searches using the Media Libary view, Media Report or Media Grid>Find feature would cause Myriad's memory use to rise significantly - particularly on databases with a large number of Media Items - this would cause Myriad to slow down and could in extreme cases result in Myriad randomly exiting.

Importing Files:

  • Importing some mp3 files encoded with very unusual mpeg encoding would result in the audio playing back at 1/4 speed.
  • Importing some mp3 CBR files that decode to slightly longer than the embedded data reports would result in Myriad slightly cropping the very end of the audio during playback (by setting the Media End marker to the originally reported length).
  • Importing a transport file for an item that had a loop would import the Loop settings twice.

Media Grid/Media Library:

  • Sorting by the Year in the Search results would not sort the results correctly.
  • Searching for a number would display an error message and the search was not performed - e.g. 99

Media Item Information:

  • The Month name on the Scheduled History Grid would sometimes be slightly obscured.

Media Engine:

  • The last few hundredths of a second of an audio file would occasionally not be played due to the player closing the item fractionally too quickly.
  • Starting a new recording from a Command could then result in Myriad not correctly closing the recorder later on.
  • Myriad would close if you had a Pad with Pauses on and started a new media item recording.
  • Playing a Media Item set to "List" that contained the same same Random Media List Item would often result in choosing the same "random" item from that second list twice.

Log Display/Playback:

  • The Log and Dashboard could become out of sync with each other after making several rapid changes. The way that changes to the Log are now passed to the Log Playback engine ('QAE') has been radically overhauled to make these edits appear much more reliably as well as much faster. This has also improved the speed of editing items in the Log Display.
  • The Log and Dashboard would show the intro and overall length of items incorrectly if they had a Media Start set.
  • The Log would not use the correct length for items that have a Media Start set. This would result in the start time of subsequent items in the log being displayed incorrectly.
  • The Log timings would not be calculated correctly for sweepers or Voice Link items that have been manually positioned using the Segue Editor if that swept item was before an item that did not have an Intro set. A related issue could also occur if the swept item was longer than the intro of the incoming item. This would then result in Myriad having to recalculate any AutoFade calculations once the item had been played, which could result in new items having to be added to the Log at the last moment.
  • Changes to the position of a Sweeper using the SegueEditor after it had already been cued into the QAE (as seen in the Dashboard) would not be reflected when the Sweeper was then played out - Log Playback would always play the segue as it was set when the item was cued.
  • AutoFade would also use the incorrect length when calculating the time for hours that contained items with Media Starts.
  • AutoFill would insert AutoHooks if configured in the InstantTrack Preset.

Segue Editor:

  • Editing a segue in a Live hour would force the chain type of the last item in the segue to a green "auto", even if it was previously set to be a red "stop".


  • Clicking "Export to Transport File" on the Edit ribbon would cause Myriad to close.
  • Clicking Save while recording would save the item, but the record buttons would not change to the "stop" state.


  • The MetOffice Weather was not being displayed correctly.
  • When you first authorised Myriad to use your Twitter account to search for artist information, you would not get any search results until you restarted Myriad.

Other fixes:

  • VU Levels from a remote Audio Monitor would be displayed as higher levels that they were on the sender.
  • Various fixes to Myriad exiting when saving a Segue and to starting the Log playing back.
  • Myriad would fail to successfully upgrade some older v3 Contacts and Users Directory databases.

v5.12 12th July 2018

New Features/Changes:

Media Reports/Mass Changer:

The major new feature added with this release is the all new Media Report and Mass Changer. This is available from the reports menu and allows easy searching and mass changing (editing) or mass deleting of multiple items.

Some of the features of the Media Report are:

  • Search using either Basic or Advanced searching.
  • Advanced Search mode allows you to search based on many different criteria - for example you might search for only Songs performed by the Artist 'Kylie Minogue' released from 1990-1999 that are over 3 minutes in duration.
  • Advanced Search allows you to search using the various Dates associated with a Media Item including last modified, date added, Delete date etc.
  • You can select the entire search results, or selectively by holding down the or keys while highlighting items with the mouse.
  • The Mass Changer allows you to update many items simultanously - for example, you might want to apply the same Year to a large number of items, or bulk change the category or colouring.
  • The Mass Change and Mass Delete will only allow you to edit/delete items that you have permissions for.
  • You can mass export as audio or transport files.
  • You can export your search results as a CSV file.

New "Media Item Info" Window:

  • There is a new button on the MediaWall, Media Library and Log View - "Display Information" shows you some basic information about the item you have highlighted as well as a preview of the waveform and quick way to preview the item in the Preview player. It also shows the recent Scheduling History in a grid as well as warnings if that item is already scheduled to play either before or after the current time, or near the highlighted Log Position.
  • This can be extremely useful to see if a song you are considering inserting into the Log has already been scheduled to play near the location you are considering in the Log.
  • The available Warnings are same item being scheduled nearby, another item by the same artist nearby, and the same item being played at a similary time yesterday or tomorrow. You can configure the time ranges these rules use in Database Settings on the Schedule tab.
  • This Window is also available as a Tile - "MediaItemInfoView"  - and examples have been included in the WideScreen and Cartwheel Layouts.

Media Library View:

  • The new 'Advanced' Search mode from the new Media Report is also available on the Media Library View.
  • You can now adjust how wide the Categories tree is, and this is remembered when you Logout or change Layout.

Clock View:

  • The Clock View now has a more streamlined look with the Preferences button fading out until you move the mouse over it.
  • You can now set the time and date display formats in the Layout file. The Pre-Built layouts have been updated to include the new tags, but some examples are:
    • T This is the default time Layout which is the set in Windows Control Panel as the Long Time Format.
    • t This is set in Windows Control Panel as the Short Time Format.
    • HH:mm:ss.ff This shows the current time including hundredths of seconds.
    • D This is the default date Layout which is the set in Windows Control Panel as the Long Date Format.
    • d This is set in Windows Control Panel as the Short Date Format.
    • dddd, dd MMMM yyyy This shows the day of the week as well as the date - for example "Monday, 1 January 2018"
  • More information about building your own formats can be found on the Microsoft website at
  • It's important to note that the dateFormat and timeFormat are case sensitive - for example lower case m refers to minutes, whilst upper case M refers to Months.

Log Editing:

  • Clicking "Insert" or "Replace" now shows the Item Warnings on the Media Library Browser based on the time you have selected in the Log, making it much easier to see if an item shouldn't be chosen.


  • The "Pause" button that appears when you hover the mouse over the currently playing item is now much more selective on where you can click on it - previous releases of Myriad would respond to a click almost anywhere on the item, but you now need to click on the Pause icon itself or within a centimeter or so either side. This is to help prevent accidental pauses when trying to change the Chain Type or clicking the drop down button.


  • SmartInfo can now display Traffic information from Traffic Wales - you can select this from the Advanced tab in Database Settings.
  • SmartInfo now has a "generic" RSS traffic feed option. You can enter one or more RSS feeds (separated by semi-colons  ; ) that SmartInfo will attempt to decipher and categorise.
  • An example of some generic RSS feeds are available from Traffic Watch Northern Ireland e.g.
  • Unfortunately although there are some standards for traffic feeds (i.e. TrafficML), not many providers have implemented them, so the information is sometimes not as well organised as it could be! 
  • Extra handling has been added for Wikipedia articles that have a number of blank lines within Artist information pages.

Audio Monitor View:

  • Silence Alert notification Emails: The Audio Monitor can now send emails alerting you whenever silence is detected. The SMTP server details (and sender/recipient details) are configured in the Layout file. For an example please see the "Dash Players" Layout on the Dynamic Layouts Gallery web page.
  • Silence alerts are now displayed at the bottom of the Audio Monitor View. You can control if these are displayed by setting the showSilentAlert setting in the Layout file.
  • The Audio Monitor can also run an application when a silence starts or ends, and also do a simple "http get" from a URL for silence starting/ending. Examples are in the "Dash Players"  Layout from the gallery.
  • The Audio Monitor can now "share" it's levels over TCP, which means you can connect a Broadcast Radio SmartSign or even another Myriad Playout to recieve levels remotely. For more information please see the "Creating & Editing Dynamic Layouts Guide" from the bottom of the Dynamic Layouts Gallery web page.


  • When editing a Media List item, there is a new "Add" button that makes it much easier to add items.
  • The item colours are now shown for items in the Media List.


  • Myriad can now import Advert logs from Radio Host's Easy Spot software directly from the "Export 1" format.
  • There is a new option on the Settings menu that takes you to the Recycle bin folder that Myriad moves Media items to when they are deleted.
  • There is a new setting that allows you to control whether Myriad should download information from the UK Met Office. This setting is on by default.


  • Myriad now has 2 new Layouts available - "Default With Clock" and "Wide Screen with Clock". You can install these by clicking Layouts>Install a Pre-Built Layout.
  • The Widescreen layout now has a more streamlined look.
  • There are 2 new MediaWall based Layouts available on the Pre-Build Layouts menu.
  • There is a new menu option that will take you to the new Dynamic Layouts Gallery section of the Broadcast Radio Website which showcases some of the best layouts built by Myriad users.

Myriad OCP and Myriad Split Connections:

  • There are 6 new command line options:
    • /OCPAddress=
    • /OCPPort=
    • /NoOCP
    • /MyriadNetworkAddress=
    • /MyriadNetworkPort=
    • /NoMyriadNetwork
  • These allow you to override the OCP computer address and port numbers using the command line - for example, your second "station" also needs to use OCP and always comes from Studio 2, so on the shortcut for Myriad Playout you add "/OCPAddress=MY_OCP_COMPUTER /OCPPort=2" to tell Myriad to always connect to the MY_OCP_COMPUTER using port 2, instead of the settings in the database.
  • The /NoOCP and /NoMyriadNetwork options allow you to disable connections to entirely OCP or Myriad Network (or both!).
  • These command line options are only an interim feature until full "per-station" database settings are introduced in a future release of Myriad Playout v5.

The following issues have been fixed:

Media Grid View:

  • Deleting an item and then highlighting another item while the delete is still taking place would cause the newly highlighted item to briefly dissappear then come back.


  • After closing SmoothEdit, focus was not being set back to Myriad Playout.

Log Editing:

  • Opening the SegueEditor on a dual screen system with the Log on a second monitor would cause it to open behind the main window.
  • Selecting the option to inserting a Command into the Log would not automatically show commands in the Media Library browser.

Log Playback:

  • Various minor issues with Log Playback.

v5.11 Release 2, 2nd July 2018

The following issues have been fixed:

Log Playback:

  • Myriad Playout would sometimes stall or close when starting playback of a new hour in the Scheduled Log if that hour was created by InstantTrack and Myriad was connected to Myriad OCP.
  • Myriad would sometimes run slightly late going into some Absolutel times/Hour Starts. Extra debug logging has also been added to further track down any future issues.

Log View:

  • The "Remove Hours" button was almost always disabled.


  • Myriad Playout would sometimes close when moving or copying media items if your data location had a "\" at the end of the path - e.g. "z:\". Myriad now removes this trailing "\" when it reads the data location setting.


  • When installing onto computers running non-english editions of Windows, installation would show an error message about not being able to find the Users group.

v5.11 June 2018

New Features/Changes:

Remote Voice Tracking

The major new item with this release is Myriad Remote Edit Server (RES) and Myriad Remote Voice Tracking (RVT). These are available as separate downloads.

Both RES and RVT are massive improvements over the older Myriad v4 systems - some of the highlights include:

  • RVT5 is much more powerful than RVT4 and has a full implementation of the Myriad Playout v5 Segue Editor - so using it feels just like being in the studio - you can even add envelope edit points.  You can also fully edit the existing scheduled Log.
  • RVT5 has a Library view that makes searching the MediaWall just as easy as if you were in the studio itself. You can even listen to the items by dragging them into the player, or simply drag them into the Log.
  • RVT5 supports dynamic layouts and even has the SmartInfo tile available giving you the latest Wikipedia and Twitter information about the artists you are talking about.
  • RES5 Supports multiple concurrent users - the default is up to 10, but this can be adjusted in the Settings window
  • RVT5 and RES5 now use the Opus codec for file transfers - this allows much higher quality for a smaller file size, so it's much faster to start recording and editing your Segues.
  • RVT5 and RES5 also now prepares, downloads, and decompresses all of the items in a Segue simultaneously, taking advantage of modern multi-core CPU's and higher speed internet connections.


  • The MediaWall view now has a "back" button that will take you back to the last page of Media Items - ideal for going "back" after a quick jump to grab an item from a different area.
  • Import: You can now import Media files that have special unicode characters in the filename - for example '01 100% Chu~Gakusei (YuruYuri♪♪ ED).mp3' - the musical notes would previously have prevented it from being imported.
  • You can now search the MediaWall and the Library for a specific Media Id - for example, entering just "3001" will show Media Item 3001 in the results. Of course, if you search for 2016, you will Media Item 2016, as well as all items that have 2016 set as the First Release Year.
  • There is a new setting in Database Settings that allows you to turn off the automatic removal of silence from the start of files you are importing.
  • In SmoothEdit there is a new "Trim to selection" option on the edit toolbar - this removes all audio outside of the selection, keeping just the selected audio.
  • The Looping section in SmoothEdit has been streamlined.
  • If you remove all of the Jump Buttons in a Jump Button set, you are now shown an "Add" button making it easier to add your first Jump button.


  • There is a new Favourites Play mode of "Single" - this will start a fade out of Favourites that are already running before starting the one you have selected. Ideal for playing a Bed followed by the "out" of the Bed.


  • You can now switch stations much more easily, you no longer have to "Close" a station before you can use the 'Open Station' menu item.
  • The 'Select Station' window now only shows OnAir information if the On-Air Control Mode is set to use the database.
  • New Security Option: There is a new Directory Security Permission that allows you to set if a User (or Group of users) is able to Open/Close the current Station in Myriad.

Log Display:

  • SmartInfo: If you highlight a Song in the Log, this is displayed in SmartInfo as before, but if the item isn't a song then it is only displayed if it has Notes. If it doesn't, then SmartInfo now displays the information for the next Song, or item with notes, whichever is first.
  • The Navigation Buttons on the right hand side of the Log View are now visible by default for new users.
  • There is a new option on the 'Rest of hour' ribbon section on the 'Hour' Ribbon that will force a refresh of the start times and durations of the items in the currently highlit hour. There is also a menu option on the right click menu on an Hour Start item.
  • There is a new Layout option "sendSelectedItemNotifications" which determines if the LogView updates any visible SegueEditor when the highlight item changes. If you have secondary Logs displayed on screen (for example checking what a sister station is up to) then you can set this to false to prevent that Log View interfering with your Segue Editor work. The sample layouts have been updated to include this with the default value of true.

Segue Editor:

  • The Segue Editor now has zoom buttons in the top left corner to quickly zoom in and out - this adds to the existing mouse wheel scroll-zoom and also the pinch/pull actions for touchscreen users.
  • The Segue Editor now shows a coloured bar to represent each item in the Segue until the Waveform has loaded.

There are several new Segue Editor Preferences on the dropdown button in the top right hand corner:

  • The trigger level for level triggered recording.
  • How much of the first item you hear when starting new Voicelinks.
  • How much of the first and last item are displayed when you first scroll to a segue - e.g. show 10 seconds before the segue to 10 seconds afterwards.

Media Players/Recorder:

  • You can now turn Level Triggered recording on and off, and set the trigger level in "Customise Personal Preferences"
  • The recorder now shows realtime waveforms as it's recording new audio.
  • The recorder is now coloured yellow while "waiting for level" and then goes red once it starts recording.
  • Myriad Playout automatic setup can now detect Dante Virtual Soundcards and configure the Media Players automatically.

Log Playback:

  • There are now menu options to change the Log Playback mode - these are on the Station Menu.
  • There is a new keyboard shortcut to check that the correct items are Pre-cued ready to play CTRL+SHIFT+Q  - The equivalent Command is Qae.Precue(0)

Programmable Keyboards:

  • More keyboard shortcuts have been added allowing more commands on K1000 programmable keyboards that connect using PS2.
  • More commands have been added to enable more features on K1500e keyboards that connect using Serial ("RS232"). This includes Log Playback Toggle Mode and Recorder functions. If your keyboard is currently programmed for Myriad Playout v4 then you will need to reprogram your buttons to work with Myriad Playout v5.

Log Import

  • You can now turn on and off the options for importing "Main" (songs/links etc.) and "Advert" logs in Database Settitings - the default for new databases is off, so if you are setting up a new database and need to import logs from third party schedulers you just need to go into Database Settings and tick the options to turn these on.
  • You can now use 'relative' file locations when setting up the paths for log file importing - for example instead of having to set it to "\\myserver\myshare\Myriad\Logs\Adverts"  you can now just enter "Logs\Adverts". This ,means myriad users who are accessing the server via different names or IP addresses on different computers can now import logs without needing complicated network routes etc.
  • The default locations for Main logs is now "Logs\Main" and for Advert Logs it's "Logs\Adverts"
  • You can now add multiple advert Log File import paths - this means that if you are importing adverts scheduled by multiple agencies Myriad will now check each path looking for adverts for each scheduled Advert Break. A common example is where you have "Local" advert breaks scheduled by your in house traffic team, but "national" advert breaks are scheduled and delivered by a separate agency.
  • If you are using multiple advert Log File import paths then it's important to note that the REC files are only written to the first path.
  • Important change to Command Line Log Importer: When importing advert log using the Command Line Log Importer you now need to specify the "/overwrite" option if you want any existing adverts to be removed from the log before sending the ner advert breaks.

Settings/Setup Wizard :

  • Special handling has been added to detect inaccessible local drives that can cause the Setup Wizard to fail.

Database Settings :

  • You can now set the Text colour to use for each Item Type (adding to the existing ability to set the Background colour) - to celebrate this, several of the default item type colours have now changed. You can alter these on the Item Types tab in Database Settings.
  • When creating a new Database, the Voice Range now defaults to 80% normalisation.

Myriad Playout Remote:

  • The protocol that Myriad Playout Remote and Myriad Playout use to communicate with each other has changed significantly so you will need to update to Playout Remote v5.11 to connect with Myriad Playout v5.11.
  • Myriad Playout Remote now uses significantly less data to update the Log display, particularly on large displays. This is most noticeable on slower internet connections.

Command Processor:

The "Display available 'Command Processor' Macro Commands" menu option now shows the commands in an HTML file as this allows for better explanation for each command.

There are also several new commands:

  • Commands.IgnoreFails - Tells the Command Processor to continue executing a Command sequence (e.g. from a 'Command' Media Item) even a command fails. If a command is wrongly formatted it will still be reported and the command sequence will stop.
  • Commands.StopOnFail - Tells the Command Processor to stop executing a Command sequence (e.g. from a 'Command' Media Item) when a command fails. This is the default behaviour.
  • Recorders.RecordItem - Records into the specified Media ID using the specified startMode e.g. Recorders.RecordItem(0,1,4001,LevelTrigger)
  • Recorders.RequestRecord - Starts Recording into the first available Personal Media Id using the logged in user's Level Trigger preferences e.g. Recorders.RequestRecord (0,1)
  • Recorders.WaitForLevel - Changes a recorder that was started with a startMode of WaitForResume to LevelTrigger instead
  • Recorders.Resume - Resumes a recorder that was paused or was started with a startMode of WaitForResume
  • Recorders.Pause - Pauses a recorder that actively recording
  • Recorders.Abandon - Abandons the recording
  • Recorders.CloseAndSave - Closes and saves the currrent recording.
  • Qae.ToggleMode - Toggles the Scheduled Log Playback mode - e.g. Qae.ToggleMode(0)
  • Qae.ChangeMode - Changes the Scheduled Log Playback mode - e.g. Qae.ChangeMode(0,Standby) or Qae.ChangeMode(0,LiveAssist) or Qae.ChangeMode(0,QueryLog)
  • Qae.ChangeItemEnding - Changes the ending ('Chain') of the specified item - e.g. Qae.ChangeItemEnding(0,1,Stop)  or Qae.ChangeItemEnding(0,1,Auto) 
  • Qae.ToggleItemEnding - Toggles the ending ('Chain') of the specified item - e.g. Qae.ToggleItemEnding(0,1) 
  • Qae.FadeAllCompletingItems - Fades out any items that are still running after they have left the QAE, for example a long running bed might still be in a player after it is no longer visible in the Dashboard - e.g. Qae.FadeAllCompletingItems(0,1.5) 
  • Qae.CloseAllCompletingItems - Similar to FadeAllCompletingItems, but immediately closes instead of fading out.
  • LogView.ItemQuickPlay, LogView.ItemQuickPlayHook, LogView.ItemQuickPlayExtro, LogView.ItemQuickCue, LogView.ItemQuickCueHook,LogView.ItemQuickCueExtro -  These Play or Cue all or part of the highlit Log Item manually - i.e. separate from the Log Playback. the ItemQuickPlayHook and ItemQuickCueHook commands use the same Players as the Log uses for Autohooks,whilse the others use the normal players as set in Media Engine Settings - e.g. Songs are played using the "Songs (Log)" Player settings.
  • LogView.ItemPreviewHook - Plays the hook for highlit item on the LogView - e.g. LogView.ItemPreviewHook(0)
  • LogView.ItemPreviewExtro - Plays the extro for highlit item on the LogView - e.g. LogView.ItemPreviewHook(0)
  • LogView.ItemChangeEnding - Changes the ending ('Chain') of the highlit item on the LogView - e.g. LogView.ItemChangeEnding(0,Stop)  or LogView.ItemChangeEnding(0,Auto)
  • LogView.OpenSegueEditor - Opens the SegueEditor Window - e.g. LogView.OpenSegueEditor(0)
  • LogView.CloseSegueEditor - Closes any open SegueEditor Window - e.g. LogView.CloseSegueEditor(0)
  • LogView.ToggleSegueEditor - Opens/Closes the SegueEditor Window - e.g. LogView.CloseSegueEditor(0)
  • SegEditView.NextStep - Executes the next step in a Segue Editor Workflow - for example Start New VoiceLink->Start Recording -> Start Next Item -> Stop and prompt to save.  - e.g. SegEditView.NextStep(0)
  • SegEditView.StartNewVoiceLink - Starts a new Voice Link Workflow in either the Popup Segue Editor window or in aTile in the current Layout if available - e.g. SegEditView.StartNewVoiceLink(0)

The following issues have been fixed:

Media Playback:

  • Removing the "next" to play item on the Pad (or replacing it with a different item) would cause the Pad to stop at the end of the currently playing item.


  • Several fixes to Copy and Move Media Item have been implemented to resolve issues when the MediaWall is stored in the rot of a drive or network share.
  • If you stretched the SmoothEdit window across multiple monitors it could cause Myriad Playout to exit.


  • Myriad would sometimes exit when renaming a Favourites Set, or if you are using a file replication service such as Dropbox to synchronise your Myriad folder.


  • Searching for Twitter users would not return the correct Tweets if the Twitter account name was different from it's Twitter 'Screen' Name - For example "Kelly Clarkson" is "Kelly!" and would not search correctly.

Logged out Dashboard

  • The Dashboard that is visible if the Log is still playing back when you logout was not showing the Log.

Log display/Dashboard display when playing the Scheduled Log:

  • Several issues have been fixed which could result in changes to the Log not being reflected in the Dashboard and vice versa due to the SQL Server stopping sending notifcations of changes to Myriad Playout.

Segue Editor:

  • Recording a voice link around a Script post that was scheduled via Link Scheduling would result in the voice item not being played back correctly in the Log.
  • Trying to save a new Voice Link next to a "non-playable" item (for example a Script Item) would display an error message about a duplicate key and the link would fail to save.
  • The fade line for the manual "fade out" on and editing segue could end up going over the end of the item and then going "back" left to the actual end of the item.
  • Fixed several issues with starting to "record" a new voice link, but then seeking before the audio actually starts recording.
  • The icons would not display on the buttons if you were running in a locale that uses commas as decimal separators.
  • Various fixes to fading out the previous item when previewing a Segue.

Log Display:

  • Jumping back to "now" if there only a few items left in the current hour would sometimes cause Myriad to show a set of empty log items, then Myriad would exit if you selected to jump to the next hour.
  • The Starttime of the items in the LogView could sometimes briefly show in GMT after a segue, and would then be updated a few seconds later to the correct time.
  • You could not change the Hour Mode on an Admin only License.

Log Import:

  • Importing a Log using the Short Music Format could import the Absolute Times and Advert Break reference times incorrectly.
  • Importing a Log using the Short Music Format would ask if you wanted to only import the current hour, even if you had selected to import multiple hours.
  • In Live-Assist hours, Advert Breaks would always have the last item in the break set as a "Stop" instead of taking the chain type from AutoTrack/other scheduler.
  • Non-english characters were not being read correctly from Advert Log Files.

Media Import:

  • Attempting to import a corrupted Transport File could cause Myriad to exit.

Database Settings:

  • Some users could not see the content of the Instant Track Settings window.

Directory Security:

  • Changes to Directory Permissions for Users set to use Custom Permissions would not be saved to the Directory Database.

v5.9 4th April 2018

New Features/Changes:

Multi-Log Support

  • Myriad can now have more than one Log in each database, all of which share the same MediaWall.
  • A good example is where you have a Sustaining (or 'Automation') Service running a Log that will always be running 24 hours a day, and you want a separate log to use in the Studio that won't interfere with the automation log.
  • Another example is that you might have a Training Log that contains a copy of the main radio station's log, but any changes to this should never be used On-Air.
  • Users can easily switch between Stations by 2 new options on the File menu. When a user closes a Station, the currently playing audio will continue, and the Log will automatically be put into standby and On-Air control released.
  • You can use the Application Settings window to set whether to always open the same station when starting Myriad, ask the user which station to open, or to never open a station.
  • You can add Stations via the Database Settings Window.
  • Each Station can have it's own Station Logo, and can be connected to a 'Parent' Station.
  • When a Station is connected to a Parent, then Myriad will automatically import the Log from the Parent whenever new Hours are needed in the Scheduled Log - for example when clicking on the "Fill this hour" or when Myriad approaches the end of the available log. If the hour is unavailable it will fallback to the Log Import or Auto-InstantTrack settings.
  • You can make a Station as being a "Training" station. In this mode, On-Air Control is still available (separate from all other stations), but it cannot connect to OCP or Myriad Network, and any Commands or Hardware Events in the Log will be ignored.
  • You can Enable or Disable Stations in the database, which controls whether they are shown to Myriad Users when they select "Open Station"

Log Playback

  • You can now sweep split items just as easily as local audio - just change the Chain Type to Swept - note, you cannot use the SegEdit to adjust these items in the same way as you would with local audio.

On-Air control and OCP

  • The mode used to manage On-Air Control when another computer requests it (e.g. Release Control Immediately/Never Release control) are also now used to control how Myriad connects to OCP - this means that if 2 separate Stations are using the same OCP instance (e.g. an Automation Log and a Studio Log) that the "Automation" Pc can now remain with it's own On-Air Control, but the studio PC can force take control of OCP when it becomes the OnAir controller of it's own Station.

Hardware Line Assignments

  • Several of the Hardware Line Assignments that were previously under "Log Control" have moved to a new "Log Playback Control" category - these are GO, Dump, Pause and Chain Type
  • If you have previously set up any of the above lines you should remove them and then re-add from the new Category.

Command Line Utilities

  • The Log Importer and Media Importer Command Line Utilities are now installed directly into the Myriad Playout folder rather than in a tools subfolder.

SmartInfo Tiles:

  • You can show/hide the Title/Artist Information bar at the top of the SmartInfo tile - the option is on the grey settings button alongside the other options to turn on/off different tabs and summary tiles.
  • You can now have multiple SmartInfo tiles displayed onscreen, each connected to a different "Smart Info Engine", so different tiles can feed different Tiles. For example you may have a separate SmartInfo Tile that is only for displaying the info from the Log.
  • The SmartInfoTile has a new setting attribute (in the Layout files) to say which SmartInfoEngine to use - "SmartInfoEngineId" defaults to 0.
  • The Log, MediaGrid and MediaLibrary tiles have a new setting attribute (in the Layout files) to say which SmartInfoEngineId to use - the default is 0
  • You do not need to create the SmartInfoEngines, Myriad will automatically create a new one for each "SmartInfoEngineId" that is set in the current Active Layout.


  • The Layouts menu has moved up to the top level menu making it much easier to switch between different layouts.
  • The default Layout Files have much more of the individual tile attributes filled in, making it easier to customise.


  • Traffic: The name of the Traffic Scotland provider has been corrected - it was previously erroneously called "Highways Scotland".

The following issues have been fixed:

Media Import/Editing:

  • Importing certain Wave files would cause Myriad to exit when scanning to determine the best way to normalise them.
  • In SmoothEdit, pasting audio into an existing MediaItem that previously didn't have any audio, would cause Myriad to exit when you clicked Save.

Log Playback:

  • Changing the Chain Type of a Split item to "swept" would cause Myriad Playout to exit when it tried to cue it ready to play.

Segue Editor:

  • In Live-Assist hours, starting recording a new Voice link  then clicking Stop would set the chain type of the first log item to a Stop (red dot).

Command Processor (including Serial Keyboard support):

  • Sending a message to the command processor could occasionally cause Myriad to exit.

v5.8.18085 26th March 2018

The following issues have been fixed:

Command Processor (including from serially connected keyboards):

  • Myriad would sometimes exit when executing commands.

Directory Editing:

  • Dragging a Category around in the Categories Tree would cause Myriad to exit.

v5.8 5th March 2018

New Features/Changes:


  • SmartInfo now attempts to find the ISRC code for each song as it's highlighted (as well as the Song release year, Images, the Artist's Twitter and Wikipedia page etc.).
  • The settings that control whether SmartInfo should download images, and what 'certainty' results must have has been moved into Database Settings so that all PCs share the same settings. You can still turn the overall feature on and off per PC via Application Settings.

Setup Wizard:

  • Myriad Playout now displays a simple to use Setup Wizard first time it is loaded.
  • The Setup Wizard can automatically detect and configure the ideal location for files, databases and even optimise security settings.
  • The Setup Wizard has a "Quick Setup" mode that is ideal for local only installations and will automatically download and install the appropriate MS Local DB installer to allow quick and easy setup.

Pad - Export to Transport Files:

  • There is a new option on the Pad Menu to export all the items currently on the pad to Transport Files in a folder.
  • It also writes a simple "contents.csv" file that lists the basic details of those items.
  • This makes it then very easy to zip up that folder as a "Media Pack" (see below) for distribution to other Myriad systems.
  • Hint: You can easily zip up a folder in Windows by right clicking on it and choosing "Send To Compressed Folder"

Media Packs:

  • There is a new option on the File menu to import a "Media Pack"  as well as to download a new Demonstration Media Pack (for first time users).
  • There is a new Security Permission under "Mediawall permissions" to control whether a user can import a Media pack. It's important to note that this bypasses the normal Edit Media Range Permissions, so a user could import a Media Pack that contains songs,  even though normally they would not be able to import songs individually - this is by design as it means that a user can import a pack, but cannot alter the Intro/Extro/copyright etc. information that was set by the producer that created the Media Pack.
  • A Media Pack is a zip file that contains one or more Transport Files and a Contents.CSV file that describes the types of the items (e.g. Song, Link etc.) as well as the order to import them.
  • When a Media Pack is imported, the transport files are all unpacked into a temporary folder and then imported into the correct areas on the MediaWall using the Ranges that are setup in the Myriad Database - so it doesn't matter if you store songs in a different location than the sender, Myriad will automatically import the songs into your Myriad MediaWall in the Songs area.
  • A great example of a use for a Media Pack is distributing a Syndicated Show that comes in several parts, where it's important to include the parts in the correct order, as well as all associated data - e.g. images/digital radio text etc.

Segue Editor:

  • The SegueEditor has had a significant graphical overhaul to make it much easier to use, including moving the control buttons to the right hand side.
  • The SegueEditor now automatically creates "fade out" points when you start the Next Item (based on the AutoFade settings) to correctly fade out the first item.

Main Window Layouts:

  • When a user logs in for the first time, Myriad now looks for the ideal layout from the Installed Layouts based on number of screens, screen resolution and screen orientation.
  • To take full advantage of this if you are upgrading from a previous release of Myriad Playout v5, then you will need to re-install the default Layouts by using the menu option on the Layouts menu.

Hardware Connections:

  • Added support for v5.4 of the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service which has various internal performance tweaks and fixes, including to an issue where a Virtual GPIO Device could sometimes trigger an event in Myriad twice in quick succession.


  • SmoothEdit now shows a full list of available commands and their parameters next to the Command Editor. Double clicking on a command automatically adds it to the Command text.
  • When a Command is triggered from playing a Media Item (either directly, or from the Log) it is now logged in the Play Logs.
  • There is a new "Wait" command: Commands.Wait(numberOfSeconds) will wait for the specified number of seconds (or part of seconds) - for example Commands.Wait(1.25) will wait for 1 and a quarter seconds (1250 milliseconds)
  • There is a new External.OpenWithStyle command that allows you to run applications and specify if they should be minimized/maximized etc. - please note the american spelling - for example External.OpenWithStyle("notepad.exe","Myfile.txt",Minimized)
  • When connectied via TCP or RS232, the response format for the command Commands.List has changed to return a json formatted list of available commands. The human readable results are still available via the simple command help

The following issues have been fixed:

Log Editing/Segue Editor:

  • Dragging the item from above the "home" item to below it would cause the Log view to jump back up several hours.
  • Deleting a Voice link from the Log would not clear any envelope volume points from the adjacent items.
  • Several issues relating to volume fade outs/ducking have been resolved.

Log Playout:

  • If the last item in an AutoFade hour was an Absolute Time, then sometimes Myriad would drastically drop items from the following hour and fail to reinstate them.
  • In LiveAssist mode, Myriad would fade out the currently playing item if it had a Fadable ending even when it was set to stop at the end i.e. had a red dot.
  • Several issues with the AutoFade calculations that could result in Myriad not running exactly to time have been resolved.


  • When Myriad Playout first loads, SmartInfo could sometimes get the results for items from the MediaWall and from the the Log muddled together.

Audio Playback:

  • When fading an item out Myriad Playout v5 was fading out too aggressively, so the volume would reduce much quicker than expected.

Media Items:

  • Exporting a Media Item as a Transport File would leave a randomly named temporary folder in the Media Location.


  • Myriad would exit on some computers when going into Media Engine Settings and the Station Attributes Window.

v5.7 5th February 2018

New Features/Changes:

User Security:

  • Myriad Playout now includes a full User Security and History system. This allows control from as simple as which users can Login to Myriad all the way to fine grained control over which features a user can use - for example editing Media, editing the Log, altering application settings etc.
  • You can set users to have their own Permission's sets, or you can organise them into Security Groups which all share the same Permissions. For example "Presenters", "Producers", "Engineers" etc.
  • The User Security system is compatible with the older P Squared Contacts and Users Directory, so any users already created in older products (for example AutoTrack v4) are already available in the Myriad v5 family.
  • There is a new option on the Reports menu that allows you to see the User History so you can see actions carried out by users - for example Logging in/out, editing, moving, copying Media Items, starting and stopping the Log playing etc.
  • There is a new User Security sub-menu on the Settings menu that allows you to configure the Security Groups or to Add/Edit/Delete User accounts.
  • Users are now given a Personal Media Range (via the Contact Window) and there is a simple tick box to allow the user to edit any items in that range - you no longer need to add them to a group that has Write Permissions to the area of the MediaWall that their personal range is in. Note: The Customise option to set your own Personal Media Range has been removed as it is now handled via the Contact instead.
  • There is now a simple permission that controls whether a user can record new Voice Links into the Scheduled Log. If the user is granted this permissions then they are automatically allowed to create the Voice Link Recordings in any of the Voice Link Areas so you no longer need to add them to a group that has Write Permissions to these areas.
  • Note: You only need to create a user once and that account will be able to access Myriad 5 and Myriad SE products, but you need to use User Management in the SE products to configure the product specific security options - for example, whether a user can edit Song or Link Cards must be set via User Management in AutoTrack SE.

Programmable Keyboards:

  • You can now use K500e and K1500e keyboards that connect using Serial ("RS232"). There is a new setting in Application Settings>Remote connections to choose which serial port to use.
  • Support for some legacy Player, Log and InstantCart commands have been added to alow the majority of K500e and K1500e keys to work without needing reprogramming. Not all commands are supported, so you should consider reprogramming the keyboard to v5 spec when possible.


  • SmartInfo has now gotten even smarter and now uses the Media Items's "Display By" field as well as the Artists to find information.
  • Previous versions of SmartInfo would take the most recent results for a given search but SmartInfo now does a deep analysis on all the information it retrieves to try and find the best information about Twitter accounts, Wikipedia Pages and Release year - this results in much better matches for tracks, particularly for older tracks, or those by artists with unusual characters in their names.


  • The MediaWall now checks any empty items to see if there is an orphaned media file that has not been seen before by v5 - for example if you accidentally use Myriad v4 to import a new file instead of using Myriad v5. When v5 detects an orphaned Media file it shows an icon on the Media item, and when you highlight the item a new icon appears in the MediaWall Ribbon to allow you to import the Orphaned Media file onto the MediaWall.
  • In SmoothEdit, the keyboard shortcuts to navigate to editing the previous or next item on the MediaWall have changed to + and + accordingly.


  • The Library now shows a "My Media Items" item in the tree, so you can quickly see all items that are stored in your Personal Media Range.
  • You can now use the Library Tile to browse the MediaWall, so you don't have to "search" first. Search Results are therefore now listed under a new branch on the left hand tree view.

Dashboard/Log Playout/Log Editing:

  • The Dashboard now shows information about the currently playing item more clearly with bigger Player Number and Time Remaining displays.
  • There is a new button on the popup button on each item in the Dashboard to display that item in the SmartInfo display.
  • The "Dump" current item is now available from a button on the currently playing item row on the Dashboard display, and clicking the current item's picture (if visible) will display the current item in the Smart Info display.
  • You can now add Command items to the Scheduled Log.
  • By default, double clicking on a MediaItem in the Log will now open the SegEditor - there is a new option on the Log Options dropdown menu to turn this behaviour off. Note - double clicking on an item with editable parameters (Times, AutoHooks etc.) still shows the appropriate editor instead.

D&R Webstation and Airlite mixer support:

  • Support for these mixers has now been added. As well as using the channel buttons to show that a MediaItem is playing, the special custom buttons are used to trigger Favourites (2 banks of 6 on the Webstation, 2 banks of 8 on the Airlite)
  • The Mic Live indicator shows the state of the "Mic Live" signal from the mixers, and this can be sent on to the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service for use in Myriad Logging, SmartSign etc.
  • Myriad Playout will automatically detect the USB sound devices for these mixers.

AEQ Capitol IP and Forum Support:

  • Support for these mixers has now been added.
  • Myiad Players 1 to 4 use the Myriad fader states to show a player as in Preview Mode
  • The custom buttons can be used to trigger the first 20 Favourites - just add a Virtual GPO line for each favourite you want to control and set the ID to 1 for Favourite 1, 2 for 2 and so on up to Virtual GPO 20.
  • The Mic Live indicator shows the state of the "Mic Live" signal from the mixers, and this can be sent on to the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service for use in Myriad Logging, SmartSign etc. Up to 4 microphones can be shown independently, as well as the single Mic Live indicator.
  • We are working closely with AEQ to extend the features of the desk and further support will be added as new firmwares become available.

Hardware Connections:

  • Added support for v5.3 of the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service which adds the new hardware line "Patch Bay" and support for the KMTronic 8 way USB and 8 way UDP Relay boxes.

Command Processor:

  • There is a new LogView section of Commands - these include commands to scroll the view as well toggle the selected item's chain type/soft delete etc.
  • There is a new Favourites section of Commands - Favourites.PlayItem and Favourites.CueItem
  • There is a new Hardware section of Commands - Hardware.ReadLine and Hardware.WriteLine - e.g. Hardware.Readline(0,1) and Hardware.WriteLine(0,1,Set)
  • New Player Commands: Player.FadeOut and Player.FadeOutItem
  • A small green box is now displayed at the top of the main window whenever you play a Command Media Item.

Myriad Playout Remote:

  • The Playout Remote can now show you the Log from the hour before the currently playing item to 2 hours afterwards.

Remote Connections:

  • You can now request a section of the Log display via the HTTP interface - for example you might request a section from the current hour to the next hour. Please see the HTTP Help section for more information - please note that this uses the "Sequence" numbers which are in the format yymmddhh in 24 hour clock and UTC - for example, if you wanted the 9am hour for the 1st August 2018 (which is during British Summer time) you would ask for the 8AM (UTC) hour using the Sequence Number 2018080108

Automatic checking for Beta Updates:

  • When you first start Myriad Playout you will be asked if you want Myriad to periodically check for new Preview/Beta versions.
  • You can also alter this setting via Application Settings>Advanced.
  • This setting also controls whether the menu option on the Help menu to manually check for new Beta releases is visible.

Database access:

  • Myriad now checks the Myriad Playout Database (and the Directory Database) to make sure that it has a valid 'owner' - this is to resolve an issue that can occurs when restoring a backup of a database from another location onto Microsoft SQL Server which results in SQL failing to send notifications to the MediaWall and Log/Dashboard to let ie know what it needs to refresh it's display, and can also result in the SQL Server Log files growing to huge size and using all available disk space.

The following issues have been fixed:


  • The MediaWall would incorrectly show Command Media Items as missing audio and having a Hook.
  • Opening and closing SmoothEdit many times could cause Myriad Playout to slow down and eventually exit.


  • Sorting by Category did not work.

Log Playback:

  • If you had set Myriad to not send any Item Types (e.g. 'Song') to OCP for 'next items' then Myriad would report an error each time a new item started playing

Command Processor:

  • Using the PlayItemToExtro/End commands would cause the front end to freeze until the command had completed.
  • The PlayItemToExtro command was not correctly looking for the item's Extro

Play Logs:

  • Exporting a Play Logs Report to a CSV file was not including any line feeds.
  • The StationID Field in the PlayLogs table in the database was the wrong data type. Myriad will automatically update the database schema, but any SQL Publisher/Subscriber relationships should be reviewed.

Command Line Log Import tool:

  • The log import tool would always import both Main and Advert Logs regardless of the /mode= command line option.

v5.6 6th December 2017

New Features/Changes:

Instant Track v5:

  • This release of Myriad Playout includes InstantTrack v5 which quickly chooses a sequence of songs and links based on criteria you specify such as which categories to use (and how much), how often to insert a Link and how long should ideally pass between songs by the same Artist. When used to schedule hours for the Log, it can even automatically include an AutoHook to tease ahead the songs it's chosen.
  • "Fill This Hour" is displayed on any unscheduled Hours in the Scheduled Log - clicking on it uses InstantTrack to create and fill the selected hour.
  • Log "AutoAdd" can be used to automatically generate hours in the Scheduled Log based on a set of InstantTrack settings stored in an InstantTrack Preset.
  • AutoAdd even kicks in to automatically create a new log hour if you run out of log and normally import from a 3rd party scheduler but the logs aren't available.
  • Log "AutoFill" is used to automatically select appropriate songs to fill the end of Scheduled Log hours that are under-running.
  • There is a new option on the Pad to use InstantTrack to choose a selection of Songs and Links to fill the pad with.
  • Settings for AutoAdd and AutoFill are in the Database Settings Window.
  • There is a new option on the Station menu to Edit InstantTrack Presets.


  • Traffic: Major new feature - you can now display Traffic from Highways England ( +TFL) or Highways Scotland in the SmartInfo Tile. You can configure which region and area to use in Database Settings on the Advanced Tab. More traffic providers will be added in future releases.
  • MetOffice Weather region: In Database Settings, there is now a dropdown box that lets you choose from the available MetOffice forecast Regions.
  • Geographic Location: To help Traffic Services identify your location there are several new options in Database Settings>Advanced that allow you to enter your Longitude and Latitude. There is also an automatic lookup that uses Windows Services to work out your rough location, as well as a UK Postcode search to find a more exact location.
  • Any sections of a Media Item's title that are enclosed in angle brackets are now ignored as this helps improve search results - for example, "I Should Be So Lucky " will now be shortened to "I Should Be So Lucky" which gives much better results.

Myriad Network SE Support:

  • This release of Myriad Playout adds support for playback of Split Advert Breaks and Split Groups using Myriad Network SE.
  • You can also connect to Myriad Network v4.0.16 or higher for backwards compatibility, but this support may be removed in a future release.
  • You can insert split items into the log manually or schedule them via AutoTrack SE or a third party scheduler.
  • You can instantly play Split Groups from the Favourites View by the new Network items pane. This pane is automatically displayed when Myriad Playout connects to Myriad Network.
  • You set the name/ip address of the computer running Myriad Network that you want Myriad Playout to connect to in Database Settings.
  • There are new Hardware Line Status Outputs to display the status of the connection to Myriad Network.


  • The keyboard shortcuts to preview Hooks and Extros have changed.
  • You can now use the "context menu" key on your keyboard to open the right click menu.
  • When you save a Media Item, SmoothEdit now checks to see if you are saving a title with "(radio edit)" (or similar) and recommends changing it to use angle brackets (i.e. < and >) instead, as this will then be hidden when publishing Now Playing information to connected devices. It also helps SmartInfo to download the best information.
  • Moving, Copying and Deleting items from the MediaWall now shows a progress bar.


  • The "Restart Playing" option on Favourites has been replaced with a new triple option: Start New - which plays a new instance of the Favourite every time it's pressed, Restart, which will restart an item if it's already playing, Start/Stop which will start an item, then the second press will stop it playing.


  • The Dashboard now shows a "Starting" message whilst it is starting the log running.
  • The Hour Information panel is now much clearer to read.

Log Display/Management:

  • The Currency Symbol selected in Database Settings is now shown on the Log Items as well as the Log Ribbon.
  • There is a new option on the View ribbon to display the Category for each Log Item.
  • The progress of playing items is now displayed across the entire Log item instead of just the center.
  • The keyboard shortcuts to preview Hooks and Extros have changed.
  • You can now use the "context menu" key on your keyboard to open the right click menu.
  • There is now a right-click menu for Hour Start Log items as well.
  • Old Log items are now automatically purged whenever new logs are sent from AutoTrack SE, or when AutoAdd automatically adds an hour to the Log. The default settings is itemsolder than 90 days, and can be changed in Database Settings.

Log Playback:

  • As noted above Myriad now includes InstantTrack to automatically create new log hours for you.
  • Whenever Myriad reaches the end of the log it now automatically creates the next hour for you - if you are importing Log files then Myriad will first try those, then fallback to InstantTrack if it can't find any to make sure you stay On-Air.
  • If you are using AutoAdd (using either InstantTrack or Importing Log Files) to fill your log, you can now just leave Myriad to itself and it will just keep running creating hours as it goes.

Command Processor:

  • The Command Processor is now available! This allows you to write Macro Commands on Media Items to execute one or more Macro Commands to automate common tasks - for example you might have a Command that plays a specified MediaItem in a specific player, or that starts the next item playing from the Log.
  • The Command Processor can also be used remotely via a TCP connection. You can configure this feature on (for example setting the TCP Port to listen on) in Application Settings on the Remote Connections Tab. Commands are executed by sending the command followed by a carriage return (aka ) - ascii character 13.
  • In this first release there are a limited number of commands, primarily focussed around playing media items and some basic Log playback controls - for example Qae.Go(0) is the same as the user pressing the Go button, however you can also run external applications using External.Open - for example: External.Open("notepad.exe","c:\temp\myfile.txt")
  • A full list of available commands in available on the Help menu under Documentation. The same list can be accessed via remote connections by sending "help" or "?" follwed by a
  • Further commands will be added in future releases.


  • There are new Hardware Line Status Outputs to display the status of the connection to OCP.
  • Now playing information is now re-sent to OCP if it has to reconnect, or if starts after the log is started. Previously it would only receive updates when the next item started.

Myriad Playout Remote:

  • Myriad Playout now has a sister application called Myriad Playout Remote that allows you to control Myriad Playout remotely.
  • It shows the Dashboard, Favourites and SmartInfo.
  • The remote SmartInfo information does not yet display Traffic information but will be added in a future release.
  • Media Players will also be added in a future release.


  • The 30 day Evaluation license is now shown more clearly as 30 days instead of 20 days with a 10 day extension.

Version numbers:

  • The previous release of Myriad was numbers v5.0.c.d and 'c' would be changed on each release. Moving forward Myriad is now versioned v5.b.c.d - 'b' is now incremented on each new release, whilst 'c' and 'd' are used to keep track of which release of, for example, "5.6" it is. This helps users who have large corporate deployment infrastructures that also use 'test lab' environments to pre-test different releases prior to rolling out across their organisations.
  • For those interested, c is a 5 digit value that is the year and number of days into the year and d is the hours and minutes in the day that it was built - for example 5.6.17200.1234 means the 200th day into 2017 and built at 12:34 GMT.

Other changes:

  • Myriad now automatically cleans up debug files older than 10 days when running in debug mode.
  • The Audio Input Monitor View is now called the Audio Monitor View. The XML Layout settings have also changed. The new format can be found in the "USA" and "Dashboard" Layouts
  • The Clock View now has options in the XML file for showTime, showDate, showPreferences and forceClockMode These turn on/off the various visual elements in the Clock View. Examples can be found in the USA,Dashboard players and Production Layouts. Valid settings for forceClockMode are:
    • Hour
    • HourCountdown

The following issues have been fixed:

Media, Editing and Pad:

  • Importing an AAC file would incorrectly report that the audio format could not be read from the file and the file would not be imported.
  • Importing a file with non English characters (for example 'É') would incorrectly report the audio format could not be read and the file would not be imported.
  • Importing a variable bitrate Mp3 file would occasionally crop off the last few moments of the audio.
  • A Pad containing a Media List would not mix down to a new MediaItem on the MediaWall correctly, although Mix down to a file worked correctly.
  • Stopping the Pad running would close any items that were playing in the players. Stopping the pad now leaves items that are already running, but closes items that were only Cued.
  • Myriad would let you add the selected item on the MediaWall directly to the Log even if you did not have permissions to edit the highlit Hour.
  • Mixing down the Pad to a MediaItem was not generating the Waveform Peak file correctly.
  • If SmartInfo added an image to a MediaItem, that image would not always be displayed immediately on the MediaWall.


  • When renaming a Favourites Set, if you entered the name of an existing Set, Myriad would overwrite the existing set whether you said to overwrite or not.


  • Setting the MediaPlayers Tile to Vertical orientation was not positioning the Recorder correctly.

Scheduled Log/Dashboard:

  • You could toggle the Chain type of items in the dashboard even if you did not have On-Air control.
  • Removing scheduled adverts and re-scheduling them using Advert Manager SE would ignore the Advert Break Category resulting in incorrect adverts being placed in that break.
  • Changing the Log Playback mode from AutoFade to LiveAssist (or vice versa) would not update the Log View, so you would not see any changes to Chain Types.

Segue Editor:

  • If the first line in the display is a Sweeper, dragging the second item around would cause Myriad to exit.
  • Soft deleted, dropped and Script items were displayed in the SegueEditor.
  • Various issues have been fixed when highlighting Hour Starts and empty hours.
  • Several issues with playing segues that would cause Myriad to exit have been fixed.

Remote Media Engine Host:

  • Myriad Playout would sometimes move on to the next item in the log early resulting in multiple items playing at the same time.


  • Editing Category Aliases: Fixed several issues with the behaviour when adding or editing Aliases from the list.

v5.0.5.x First Release - 8th September 2017

New Features/Changes:


  • Myriad Playout now requires a License to run, and will automatically create a 20 day Evaluation License with a 10 day extension period at the end.
  • To switch to a full Myriad Playout License, or for a longer evaluation license,  please contact to request a License Key.
  • Myriad Playout uses the fifth generation Broadcast Radio License Engine which uses a simple License Key which must be activated Online from within Myriad.
  • Once you have the License Key you click "Install License" and enter the License Key into the window and click Install. If the computer is connected to the internet the it will automatically be activated, however if the Licensing Server cannot be contacted then instead you will be prompted to save a License File which can be activated by visiting and choosing to "Authenticate a Myriad Playout 5 License File".

Upgrade Tool:

  • The Upgrade Tool is no longer included in the Myriad Playout installer and is now available as a separate download so you only no longer end up with it on every PC that is running Myriad Playout.


  • You can now export a Transport file for a non-audio item - e.g. a List Item or a Header item.
  • Importing/Exporting an item from the MediaWall or Library now uses the new docked progress bars.
  • Sending a Mixdown from the Pad to a media item or to a file uses the new docked progress bars.
  • The right click menu is now available on the MediaWall Tile


  • The way you select a Favourites Set has been completely overhauled to give a much cleaner more streamlined look and feel.
  • You can now have up to 400 Favourites per set, and the numbers of rows and columns to display in the Favourites Tile is now remembered when you logon/off

Log Display:

  • You can now 'Add' several more Log Items using the Add button on the Edit Ribbon - including Social Media posts and Hardware Lines.
  • You can now 'Edit' Social Media posts and Hardware Lines via the Edit button or just double clicking on them.
  • There is a new 'Preview' button that allows you to preview the currently highlit item in the Preview player.
  • There are new options on the Hour/Import Tab (and on the new right click menu) to set all the items from the currently highlit item onwards to an Auto or Stop Chain Type.
  • You can now "remove" hours from the Log using a new button on the "Hour/Import" Ribbon Tab.
  • Pressing 'home' on the Log View now shows the item before the 'current' item at the top of the display so you can always see what was the previous item.
  • Importing/Exporting music and advert logs now use the new docked progress bars.
  • The right click menu is now available on the Log Tile

Log Playback:

  • Myriad Playout now writes Advert Log reconciliation files just after each advert has been played from the Log. As with previous versions of Myriad these are written to the same log folder that the advert log files are imported from. There is also a setting on the 'Scheduler Tab' in  the Database Settings Window to turn this feature on or off which is on by default.
  • Hardware Log Items have now been added so you can schedule hardware lines to be turned on or off automatically - for example controlling an Audio switcher for the News.
  • The legacy "Auto" mode has been removed, because you can now use the new Set all Item's Chain Type options in the Log View to quickly change all items to Auto.


  • There is a new setting in Application Settings to control how 'confident' the automatic lookup should be. This allows you to accept less accurate results which can be useful if your database contains a lot of older or less well known songs. The default value is 80%.

On-Air Control and OCP:

  • On-Air control is now available - this can either be set to 'Always', 'Never' and 'Use Database' - in Use Database mode then the On-Air button will be displayed. Clicking this button takes control of the Database and this then prevents other computers from taking On-Air control. You can configure various options for controlling this behaviour in Application Settings.
  • The computer that has 'On-Air Control'  connects to OCP, and if it loses control then it disconnects from OCP.
  • If OCP is not running for some reason, this does not prevent you from taking Control, and you will see a panel at the top of the screen showing that Myriad will keep trying to connect to OCP.
  • You can now only edit the 'On-Air' hour from the computer that has On-Air control. You can disable this restriction from the Security menu, but it automatically resets each time you start Myriad for safety. Future releases of Myriad Playout will incorporate per-user security and this setting will then be controlled via the security settings.

AutoHook and List playback:

  • AutoHooks and other lists now sound even tighter while playing from one item to the next in the list, especially if you are using very short separator items.


  • There is a new 'Customse Personal Preferences' option on the main menu that contains options for your Personal Media Range, how to open SmoothEdit, as well as the Player display options that were previously on the View menu directly.
  • 'View' Preferences are now remembered Per-Tile, so you can now have multiple of each Tile visible on screen and each can have different layouts etc.
  • 'View' Preferences are also now stored per layout, so whenever you switch Layout, Myriad will now show you that layout how you last left it.
  • Internally, Preferences have been split into 2 types - 'Basic Preferences' and 'View Preferences'.
    • An example of a Basic Preference is whether Favourites re-play when triggered again - as this behaviour is the same regardless of where you fire the Favourite from
    • An example of a View Preference is whether the MediaWall View should show pictures - and therefore each MediaWall View can have difference settings.
  • Because of the changes to Preferences, you may find that some of your previous Preferences have been forgotten and you have to re-configure your settings.

Progress indication:

  • Many longer "tasks" (e.g. Log/Media Import/export etc.) that would previously have displayed a popup progress bar now use a docked Progress bar at the right hand side of the main window. This allows you to carry on working while these actions are carried out in the background. (Future releases of Myriad will allow you to cancel these as appropriate)

Database selection/creation:

  • The Select/Choose Database window is now significantly faster on a server with multiple databases where some of those databases are innaccessible - i.e. due to administrator lockdown/disabling.
  • Song, Link and News Categories are now automatically created when you create a new database.
  • In an existing database is opened that doesn't have any Categories then the default categories are created.
  • Myriad now checks to make sure that you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or newer.

Hardware connections:

  • Myriad Playout now requires the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service v5.0.11.0 or higher.
  • Myriad Playout no longer needs to be able to connect to Hardware Devices at startup - in the event that a Hardware Service cannot be reached Myriad Playout will display a small orange banner at the top right of the main window showing that there is an issue and will continuously try to connect in the background.
  • If the connection to a Hardware device is lost, then the banner will be redisplayed and it will retry connecting in the background.
  • Hardware connection Status is now automatically updated in the Playout Status window.

Media Engine Host:

  • There are now settings in the Application Settings window to select which type of Media Engine to use: within Myriad Playout itself, or to connect to the Myriad Media Engine Host application.
  • The command line options '/RemoteEngine' and '/LocalEngine' can be used to override these settings if nescessary.

Remote Connections:

  • Myriad Playout now prompts you with much more information if it can't start the HTTP connection. This includes creating a document containing all the Windows commands you may need to execute and opening this in Notepad, and also opening a web browser to show you any other late breaking information. This information can be found at
  • There are several new remote commands available including basic Player control and the available to query some Favourite information.

The following issues have been fixed:

Important: The previous release was a 'Preview' release which may have contained untested or experimental features, so this list is not comprehensive list of all fixes and only contains a summary of some of the many fixes and changes.

Media, Editing and QuickRecorder

  • Exporting a Transport file could cause Myriad to exit.
  • The VU Levels in the Quick Recorder were not showing the correct values.

Log Playback

  • AutoHooks would occasionally stall mid playback
  • Pressing Home on the Log View then immediately starting the Log playing would not always start from the correct place.

Log Import

  • Importing XML files with UTC based times in would not import correctly when running in non-UK timezones


  • Highlighting items from the Log that had been imported from AutoTrack SE could sometimes result in the Twitter and/or Wikipedia page being attributed to the wrong artist in the Myriad v5 database.


  • Several issues relating to 'force-fades' have been fixed.


This release does not need a license code, but will stop working on the 13th September 2017.

New Features/Changes:

AutoTrack SE:

  • This release of Myriad Playout v5 includes support for Myriad AutoTrack SE which is a brand new edition of AutoTrack with dedicated native support for Myriad v5 databases.
  • For more information about Myriad AutoTrack SE, please visit


  • SmartInfo just got an awful lot Smarter. It now automatically finds Twitter accounts and Wikipedia pages for highlighted artists, and even looks for album art and release year as well as some copyright details. If you want to choose a different Twitter account or Wikipedia page, there are new and much improved search windows to make that even easier.
  • SmartInfo itself has had a significant overhaul and now has a much cleaner look, as well as tabbed browsing so you can see either the Summary, or switch to a much bigger view of all tweets, the full Wikipedia Page, much deeper weather information and so on.
  • SmartInfo no longer requires you to authenticate with Twitter by default. The only time you will need to authenticate now is if you need to use the Search feature, but you only need to do this once.
  • Whenever SmartInfo needs to search for Artist Images, Twitter details, Wikipedia pages or even the release year for a song, this information is now automatically stored in the database so it won't need to be looked up next time this Item or Artist is selected.

Log Display/Log Editing:

  • As well as the Docked SegueEditor tiles that were introduced in the previous Preview, you can now open a Popup SegueEditor directly from the Log Tile so you don't have to always have it on screen. This was probably the most requested feature after we released the SegueEditor!
  • The Chain Type indicators are now easier to see, and on the Dashboard the indicators now autosize to fill the space.


  • Several of the layouts have been updated and there are new Layouts available including a VoiceTrack optimised Layout and an Automation Layout.


  • OnAir Control and OnAir Status Display are now working in the Hardware Manager. If you have already configured these you will need to reconfigure them.

  Configuration Tool:

  • This release of Myriad Playout contains the first release of the Configuration Tool.
  • This tool is useful if Myriad is failing to start due to to file locations or SQL Server configuration issues.


  • The separate 'Media' locations has been removed, and is now a subfolder of the main data location. If you have used an earlier Preview release of Myriad then your old setting will be imported as an 'Additional Media Location'. If you are setting up Myriad v5 for the first time and importing settings from Myriad v4 then your old AudioWall locations will be imported as 'Additional Media Locations'.

Programmable Keyboards:

  • Myriad now has several extra keyboard shortcuts, and can now be used by the K500. You will need to re-program the keys on a v4 K500 as several of the shortcuts have changed since v4.

The following issues have been fixed:

Important: The previous release was a 'Preview' release which may have contained untested or experimental features, so this list is not comprehensive list of all fixes and only contains a summary of some of the many fixes and changes.

Media Playback:

  • Playing back a list would not show any VU information in the VU bar

Media Engine Host:

  • The Media Engine host could not play Lists (e.g. AutoHooks)
  • Myriad Playout would pause for up to 30 seconds when ejecting Media Items

Database settings:

  • The "Maximum number of Media Items" was not being saved, so you could not adjust the size of the MediaWall.

Other issues:

  • Fixed a problem which prevented databases being opened (and upgraded) correctly on computers that were running non English Regional Settings.
  • Myriad could get stuck in a loop trying to reconnect to OCP after going into the Database Settings window.


This release does not need a license code, but will stop working on the 21st June 2017.

New Features/Changes:


  • This release of Myriad Playout contains the first release of the all new Segue Editor.
  • This carries over all of the features from previous versions of Myriad, but has been completely redesigned from the ground up with a fresh new look and feel.
  • Voice links show the waveform as they are recorded.
  • After a Voice Link has been recorded it can be automatically normalised, and Myriad will even scan the waveform to determine the optimum time to bring the volume of the incoming item back up to full.
  • You can modify the "envelope" of the volume at any point in the Segue - whether thats tweaking the automatically created points, or adding new ones.
  • You can even change the volume points on the fly while playing back a Segue or recording a new Voicelink.
  • You can easily click to change the center item to "sweep" whether it was scheduled as a sweeper or not. Likewise you can click to change a Sweeper back to be played dry just as easily.
  • The SegueEditor automatically switches to show three lines whenever a voice link, sweeper, or short item is highlighted in the Log.
  • The Overall View line at the top of the Segue Editor supports multi-touch pinch and panning.
  • Note: You set the range and normalisation mode to use for new voicelinks by adding a Media Range for "VoiceLinks" to the Database Settings window.


  • Myriad now has a full feature Recorder. This is shown by default on the Media Players Tile, but you can also configure Media Players Tiles to show or hide the Players or the Recorders individually - so you could have a stand alone view of the Recorder if you wanted.
  • The Recorder automatically generates Peak Files while recording so there is no overhead or delay after recording while the waveform is generated.
  • By default Myriad will also automatically detect the extro of your new recording. You can turn this autodetection off via Database Settings.

Media Import:

  • Media Import has had quite a bit of work to improve the speed and reliability of import. The waveform generation is also now significantly faster, particularly on larger files.

Media Browser Tile:

  • The MediaBrowser is now available as a Tile. An example can be found in the "Default With Pad" Layout

Play Logs Report:

  • There is a new Reports menu with an option to view Play Logs.

Remote Connections:

  • Myriad can now accept incoming TCP connections from other software. There are 2 options in Playout Settings to control this - the first allows other Myriad v5 based tools to connect and the second allows basic HTTP connections.
  • By default HTTP connections are not allowed for security reasons. Once you turn on the option in Settings you will also need to run this command from an elevated Command Prompt:
    • netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:9180/ user=Everyone
  • You will also need to allow the connection through the Windows Firewall (Note, the first command removes any older firewall rules)
    • netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Myriad Playout v5 HTTP Connection" dir=in protocol=TCP localport=9180
    • netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Myriad v5 HTTP Connection" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=9180
  • There are currently only a limited number of features available via these connections, but these will expand significantly with future releases.
  • An example of an http request is: http://localhost:9180/MyriadPlayout5/Qae/Go which starts the next item playing.
  • Other commands available right now include allowing you to change the Log mode, read and change hardware lines, take or release OnAir Control and even read basic information about Media Items on the MediaWall
  • You should be careful with turning on the http interface as there is no passsword protection, and if your PC is directly connected to the internet (i.e. not using a hardware firewall) then you run the risk of a malicious hacker taking control of parts of your Myriad system.

Myriad Upgrade Utility:

  • The Myriad Upgrade Utility now imports Copyright and Web notes for each item from Myriad v4 AudioWalls.

Hardware Service:

  • If you are using Hardware Connections then you will need to update to version 5.0.8 (or higher) of the Broadcast Radio Hardware Service.

Other changes:

  • The setting for the volume level to 'Duck' a song to when a Sweeper or VoiceLink is played over the top has moved to the Database Settings window. This means that the same setting is used on every workstation so the station 'sound' is always the same regardless of where the Log is played from.
  • 'Hour End' markers are no longer needed in the Log, so have been removed.
  • The Player View has been tweaked so that you can't accidentally Play/Pause toggle the player whilst trying to adjust the volume or position of item - this was particularly obvious on touch screens.


This release does not need a license code, but will stop working on the 2nd May 2017.

Notes for users of v5.0.1:

  • If you are upgrading from a previous release of Myriad Playout v5, then you may see a warning about preferences not being able to be loaded the first time you run this release. Your preferences will be reset, but will then remembered correctly. This is due to a change in the way preferences are stored compared to the earlier Preview Release.
  • The format for the layout files has changed, so any existing Layout files will be moved to a Layout.Archive folder. If you have any customised Layouts want to move these back, you can force Myriad to accept them by adding version="5.0" to the  first xml element:

New Features/Changes:


  • There are several new default layouts available, and if they are not already visible you can install them from the Layouts Menu where there is a new "Install.. " menu option.
  • The ribbon 'minimise' buttons have been removed. You can now control whether a ribbon should be minimised from within the layout file by setting the ribbonIsMinimised="false" attribute.
  • You can now force a layout to be used by the command line option /Layout=

SRM Mixer Support:

  • Myriad Playout v5 now supports the the Broadcast Radio SRM Mixer to show fader states and of course Mic Live indications on screen.
  • There are new settings in Myriad Playout Settings to configure the connection to the Broadcast Radio SRM Mixer as well which behaviour to use when faders are raised and the fader starts pressed.
  • You can also add Hardware Lines to relay the Mic Live, Channel Active and Button presses to a Hardware Service - for example allowing Myriad Logging to recieve Mic Live indications without any additional wiring.
  • The Simple Production Layout has a Mic Live Panel on screen 1 and a wider demonstration of individual Mic Live indicators on Screen 2

Mixer Tile:

  • This is a new Tile that displays whether a specific Mic Channel or the overall "Mic Live" indicator is active on the Mixer (e.g. the SRM).
  • You can specify the text and background colours to use when "on" and when "off".
  • Other text and image layout settings are also available as used in the SmartDisplay Tile (see below)
  • A sample of how to use this tile is included in the Simple Production Layout.

Quick Recorder Tile:

  • This is a brand new Tile that makes it simple to record new content, title it, have the start and end trimmed, normalise the entire recording and even carry out a quick 'compress' to get the audio ready for use as fast as possible.

Smart Display Tile:

  • This is a brand new Tile that allows you to show a text string and/or an image with border and background colours anywhere on screen. Please note, this is a temporary version of this Tile which will be improved in later releases to bring it inline with the SmartDisplay tile that is featured in the Broadcast Radio SmartSign v1.0 product

Pad and MediaWall

  • The navigation buttons (Left, Right and Jump) have moved down onto the Jump buttons bar. There is a new Home button on the ribbon that takes you to your Home Media Item, and also has a drop down to go to the most recent item you have imported or created on this computer. An additional option allows you to change where your Home button goes to.
  • You can now choose what type of Media Item view to use on the Pad - from the 'simple' row style all the way up to the full large display used on the main MediaWall tile.
  • You can now import multiple files at a time using the Import ribbon menu option, and you can also drag one or more files from Windows Explorer directly onto the MediaWall to have them automatically imported.
  • The MediaWall Find feature has been renamed to "Search" and you can now search by Year as well. The year is also now shown as a column in the results.
  • By default, the MediaGrid will now automatically jump to new recordings (created by the QuickRecorder) - there is a new option on the View ribbon that  allows you to turn this behaviour off.
  • You can now choose 2 new View styles of Simple (Single Row) and Enhanced (Single Row)
  • The permanently 'docked' pad has now been removed as you would normally display a pad by adding it to a Layout. For an example of using the PadView, please see the "DefaultWithPadLayout" file.

Log playback ('QAE'):

  • QAE has been significantly updated to make it faster and more resilient, particularly when multiple events occur at the same instant (e.g. the Log is edited on an other device, or timings are updated at the same instant that QAE is updating itself during a segue)

Hardware devices

  • Player "Status" line Outputs have now been implemented. These allow you to show the status of a player using a hardware device or to show on a connected Broadcast Radio SmartSign.
  • The Hardware Service now supports the USB-PIO device from BMCM
  • Due to changes in the way Hardware Line Assignments are stored, you will need to re-setup any Assignments that you setup in previous releases.

Upgrade Utility

  • You can now choose to only import a specified range of carts rather then always having to import the entire AudioWall.
  • The Upgrade Utility now has command line options to allow automated importing of v4 AudioWalls. Full details are available in the Upgrade Utility Command Line Options document.

Media Importer (Command Line)

  • There is a new tool to import single media files via the windows Command Line - MyriadMediaImporterCL5.exe

Log Importer (Command Line)

  • The command line tool to import scheduled Logs has been renamed to MyriadLogImporterCL5.exe

Other changes:

  • You can now specify which database to load when starting Myriad so it won't prompt you each time. This setting is in Myriad Playout Settings
  • Many of the older interim graphics have now been replaced, however there are still quite a few still to be done as Myriad Playout v5 evolves.
  • You can now use Function Keys to control the Media Players.  Player 1 is Ctrl+F1 to Ctrl+F3, Player is Ctrl+F4 to Ctrl+F6 and so on up to player 4. Players 5 to 8 are the same as 1 to 4, but Ctrl+Shift+F1 and so on.
  • There is a new option in Myriad Playout Settings to change the player keyboard shortcuts to use Myriad v4 keyboard shortcuts.
  • The MediaWall Enhanced view has been removed.

The following issues have been fixed:


  • If a file location was invalid then Myriad was not showing the Settings window to allow you to correct it.

Media Engine Settings:

  • The assignments for multichannel devices (e.g.7.1 based sound devices) were not assigning correctly.

Log Playback:

  • Log playback would sometimes cue the same item twice and then leave the second one there resulting in players slowly being used up until you manually ejected items.
  • Autotrim would sometimes get the hour duration wrong when first calculating times for an hour. It would immediately correct this on the start of the first item in the hour, but could lead to items briefly appearing as "dropped".


  • The settings on the Compress settings window were the wrong way around.


  • Player Status and Recorder Status were not remembering their settings after a reload.
  • The line colours were not being read correctly from Hardware Servers.


Initial Preview Release.

This release does not need a license code, but will stop working on the 16th February 2017.

Twitter: The first time you run Myriad it will ask you to authorise Myriad to use Twitter for the SmartInfo tile. If you say no then it will re-ask you each time you launch it, and occasionally while running it - This authorisation is ONLY for reading information, Myriad Playout can't post any information to Twitter. Future releases will not nag you until you do the authorisation.

Major new Features in this release:

Well, pretty much everything. It's worth reading the Myriad Playout v5.0 - Differences From Previous Versions document, but some highlights include:

  • Brand new product - almost every component has been rewritten from scratch.
  • The MediaWall has replaced the outgoing AudioWall and includes dozeons of improvements including rotating/random media items, better navigation, instant searching and better importing just to name a few
  • All new look to the Dashboard and the Log
  • Favourites have replaced the outgoing InstantCarts and have a much cleaner look.
  • The Layout is completely configurable allowing you to design your own layouts and show or hide elements that you do/don't use. Myriad ships with several example Layouts
  • Completely new Hardware Manager allows you to share hardware connections with any other computer running a Myriad v5 Product, or with the new Broadcast Radio SmartSign.
  • Metrics: All Myriad v5 applications have the ability to send totally anonymous assignment statistics securely to Broadcast Radio to help us improve our products. You can see more about this at - and of course you can opt out at any time using the green "Data Collection Settings" button. We hope you won't though, as it really does help us make our products even better.

Features not included in this release:

  • Segue Editor
  • Record Media Player - however recording can be done from within SmoothEdit
  • On-Air control does not prevent you from taking control from another computer.
  • There are currently no right click options on the log - so no cut/copy/paste, and limited options for editing existing log items (e.g. no Suggest), but you can rearrange items in the log and of course drag in new items.
  • User Logins and User action history.
  • Sharing a single MediaWall across multiple Logs (e.g. sister stations)
  • Play log display. Play logs are recorded, but there is not yet a front end to view or search them.
  • AutoInstantTrack and AutoFill.
  • Hardware Outputs. Hardware inputs are included, and you can configure Hardware "Controls" (i.e. Outputs) but they are not currently implemented.
  • Macro Command Language
  • Support for K500 style programmable keyboards that connect via COM Port connections.
  • Front end Layout Editor. However, you can edit the configuration files directly to alter the layouts.

Features that are limited in functionality in the current release:

  • The connection to OCP has to manually activated, it does not yet follow On-Air Control.
  • The AudioWall Import does not import Commands set on Audio Start etc. This is because Commands aren't included yet.
  • "Trigger Items" on Media Items - these replace the old Commands on Media Items - you can assign Media Items to a Media Item's Intro Start/End/Hook/Extro etc. but they do not yet trigger when that item is played.
  • You can add multiple loops to a Media Item, but only the first one is used.
  • You cannot fade out List items, so for example pressing "Go" not fade out an AutoHook.
  • MediaWall Searching is a temporary search and will be improved significantly in a forthcoming release.
  • You cannot configure Myriad Playout to use a Media Engine Host from the Settings Window. You can set it via the command line using /RemoteEngine=computername:port
  • Yes, there really is an option on the Help menu titled "Force an application crash" - and yes it does indeed kill Myriad Playout! It's there to test the Remote Engine connection handling as well as the 'Exception logging' features.

Known Issues:


  • Log playback will occasionally gracefully finish (as if the Log has run out) even though there are more items to play.
  • Changing the Log Playback mode from AutoFade to LiveAssist sometimes still fades items to time (e.g. is stuck in AFade mode) and the "Time to next stop" is not updated.
  • Playing "List" media items - e.g. Rotate, Random and List - may not behave as expected.

Hardware connections:

  • After setting up a new Hardware Server Connection, you have to restart Myriad Playout before it will connect.
  • You have to add a new connection and click OK on the Hardware Settings window, then go back into Hardware Settings before you can add a Line connection that uses that connection.

Media Engine configuration:

  • The soundcards are not ordered alphabetically in the Media Engine Settings Window

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